Monsters (Luke)

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A lot of fluff In This one

Age- 4
"L-Lukey" I cried out.

I was sat on my bed crying clinging onto my unicorn plush. I was so scared. I didn't want the monster to get me.

"L-Luke?" I cried out again.

No reply.

I sobbed again trying to get Luke to come in. I didn't want to get onto the floor because of the monsters.

I herd my door creak open making me squeal and cry more.

"Hey hey hey, it's only me pup." I herd Michael say softly.

"M-Mikey?" I whimpered out.

He turned my wall light and sat on my bed, pulling me onto his lap.

"What's wrong pup?" He asked wiping my tears away.

"N-nightmares." I whispered out.

"Aww, pup. It's ok. Tell me what happened ok?" He said kissing my cheek.

"I-I want l-Lukey." I whimpered out.

"Pup, he's gone to get pizza. He'll be back in 20 minutes. Tell me what happened in your nightmare then when Lukey comes back, you can tell him ok?" He said softly.

"M-monsters." I cried, clinging onto his shirt.

"Pup, do you want me to look for monsters?" He asked running a hand through my hair.

I nodded weakly.

"Ok, I'll take you downstairs to Ashy and Cal ok?"

"And y-you pwomise to wook?" I asked sniffling.

"Yeah, I promise pup." He said lifting me up.

I cried softly into his shoulder as he carried me downstairs.

"Aww babe, what happened?" Ashton asked, taking me from Michaels arms.

"Monsters." I sniffled out.

"Baby, it's ok. Mikey will look ok?" Ashton cooed, bouncing me in his arms.

I nodded and cling onto him like a koala. He sighed and sat back down on the couch with me still in his arms.

"What monster was it princess?" Calum asked as Mikey walked back upstairs.

"I-I downt know." I sniffled

"You know, there's only one monster. The meanest of them all." Ashton exclaimed.

"W-what monster?" I asked looking at him.


He started tickling my sides making me giggle uncontrollably.

"Hehehehe! Ahahahashy!" I giggled out squirming around.

"Ashy isn't here, its the tickle monster!" He roared, blowing a big raspberry on my tummy.

I screamed in laughter as he kept blowing raspberry's all over my tummy.

"NHOHOHO!" I squealed through hysteria.

"I'm gonna get your tickle spot!" He exclaimed.

"No! No please!" I giggled in anticipation.

His hands grew closer and closer to my ribs making me giggle in anticipation.

He suddenly stared blowing raspberry's over my ribs making me scream in uproarious laughter.

"CAHAHAHAHALY! SAHAHAHAVE ME!" I screamed trying to escape Ashtons grip.

"No can do princess!" He shouted over my laughter.

Ashton left more raspberries along my ribs before stopping.

I caught my breath and tried grabbing onto Calum for safety.

"See my hands?" Ashton asked.

I nodded and looked at his hands.

"They have no control over where I tickle!" He shouted.

I screamed in laughter and he stared tickling me everywhere . My laughter was uncontrollable and my legs kicked out.

"HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE! NHAHAHAHAH!" I screeched in laughter.

He stopped tickling me and I crawled over to Calum still gaining breath.

"Baby, was the tickle monster mean to you?" I herd Luke say.

"WOOKY!" I screeched, jumping off of Calum.

I ran over to Luke and latched onto his legs making him chuckle.

"Hey baby." He said putting the pizzas down and picking me up.

"Mikey told me there was monsters." He said kissing my face all over.

I started giggling as his stubble brushed over my face.

"Pup, your room is monster free." Michael said running back downstairs.

I nuzzled into the crook of his neck as he rubbed my back.

"Baby, c'mon. Tell me what happened." He said walking upstairs.

He took me to his room and shut the door over and turned the light on.

"Y-you and Mikey were killed by monsters." I whimpered out.

"Baby, it wasn't real. Me and Mikey are still here ok? The monsters didn't get us." He said putting me down on the bed.

"Monsters are scawy, I don't like them." I exclaimed.

"How about you come with me cal, ashy and Mikey and watch a film?" Luke asked.

I nodded and he lifted me up and took me downstairs.

"We've put on tangled, assuming she's staying down here." Michael said.

"Yea she is."

"Remember princess, monsters don't exist."

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