Broken Home (LUKE) pt 2

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Lukes PoV

I sighed as Y/N fell asleep on me and Michael.

"We need the shops and dinner." Ashton said as we drove on the road to the shops.

"So? Chinese or what?" Michael said as he kept a hold of Y/N.

"Dunno, let's just see what there is." Ashton said as I pressed my cheek against the glass and looked at the traffic passing by.

I felt so hurt. How could Jack, Ben, Mum and Dad all hurt her? She couldn't even phone me she was so scared.
Anger and guilt filled my veins as I thought about the marks on her body.
My sister, she was hurt, scared and alone. All because SLFL.
I just don't understand why or how.

I sighed softly and just looked out the window as her feet moved on my lap.

"Luke? You ok?" Calum asked as I snapped my head to him.

"Jesus! You look like a zombie Luke. Are you feeling ok?" Michael said looking at me.

"I-I'm fine. Just tired that's all." I lied as Michael sighed.

"Luke, you're roasting. Lower your window." Michael said, feeling my cheek and forehead as i instantly felt a pain through my head.

"I-I'm fine really, I'm-im just tired." I lied lowering my window slightly.

"Blatant lie Luke." Ashton said looking through the rear view mirror.

"I-I guess I'm j-just worried about her. I-I mean-"

"Dude, it's normal. She is your sister and most likely your best friend that isn't us. She's ok now, she's safe." Michael said as I sighed.

"Luke, Get some sleep dude, you need it." Ashton said as I lent again the car door.

"Not tired"

"Bollox Luke. you haven't slept properly in ages. C'mon, sleep." Michael said as I sighed.

I shut my eyes and put my earphones in shuffling a random playlist.

I sighed and got comfy, finally settling down.


"There both out. Like out out." I said as Calum and Ashton let out a light chuckle.

"Not surprised. Luke hasn't slept like all week and you know Y/Ns situation." Ashton said as I sighed softly.

I gently lifted Y/N up so she was more comfortable as we pulled up to the shop.

"Need anything Mikey?" Calum asked.

"Na, get antiseptic wipes for her and antibiotics for Luke, would ya?" I said yawning slightly.

"Yeah, anything else?" Ashton asked as i shook my head.


They shut the car doors as gently as possible as to not wake them up.
I felt a small yawn come up my throat as I looked at them, smiling slightly.

I started lightly tickling Y/N as she giggled softly in her sleep gently shoving my hands away.

"Sthohop."  She mumble into my side as she readjusted herself.

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