He teaches you his instrument

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Luke (8)
I stood at the door of my room listening to Luke playing a new song on his guitar.

"Lukey?" I asked walking into his room.

He was sitting on his bed playing his acoustic guitar gently.

"Hey bubs, what'd ya need?" He asked putting the guitar on the bed.

"I-I wanna learn guitar." I said as he smiled.

He picked me up and took me to the bed, plopping me on his lap.
He took the guitar and gently set it on my lap.

"Lukey, it's heavy." I whined as he giggled softly.

"Sorry bubs,"
He helped me hold it so that I could play it easier.

"Put your pointer finger here, and your middle one here, good, now your ring finger here. And there! That's a G cord."

"Strum?" I asked as he supported my hand.

He nodded as I giggled softly, strumming it down.

"There you go!" He said ruffling my hair.

He kept teaching me for hours until I started getting tired.

"Lukey?" I said yawning.

"Aww bubs, are you getting tired?" He asked taking the guitar away and placed it in the bed.

"Mhm Mhm." I said nuzzling into him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Go get changed into your jammas ok?" He said as I nodded, wriggling out of his grip.

I changed into my pjs and walked sleepily back to his room.

"C'mon bubs, let's get some sleep Yeah?"

I nodded as he lifted me onto his bed.
He giggled and kissed my head as his curls fell in front of his face making me giggle softly.

"Night Lukey." I said nuzzling into his chest.

"Night bubs."

Ashton (15)
I've always wanted to learn drums. Ever since I saw Ash play them, I felt like I'd be good at them.
I was quite athletic and strong, I've got good hand eye coordination and I love learning not to mention, imma pretty quick learner.

I decided to go to Ashtons room where he had a drum kit.

"Ash?" I gently said knocking on the door.


I opened his door to find him sitting on the stool, sweat dripping down him.

"I'm assuming you were playing?" I said chuckling.

"Yeah, you guessed right." He said wiping sweat away.

"Well, I was wondering,"

He nodded.

"Can-can you teach me drums?" I asked as he giggled.

"Sure sweetheart! c'mere." He said as I walked over.

I sat on the stool and took his drumsticks, holding them in my hands.

"Start with a simple beat of somethin like we will rock you." He said as I nodded.

I started playing We will rock you slightly as he nodded softly to the beat.

"Now maybe at the end of each bar, add a small hit of the crash symbol." He said as I nodded still playing the beat.

I added in the crash and started feeling more confident with the kit.

"Right, now try both sticks on the snare." He said as I nodded still concentrating on the beat.

I started using both sticks and I felt way more confident playing them.

A few hours passed and I was able to play teenage dream by Katy Perry.

"You did a fucking mazing!" She said pulling me into a hug.

"No you did well teaching me."

Michael (18)
We were in the studio, by We I mean me the boys and Rana. I was baby sitting her as her mom and dad were out at work.

"She's absolutely sound." Michael said from across the room.

"I know, she's so easy to look after. She just sleeps a lot." I said as Ash picked her up.

"I'll take her to the green room." He said as I nodded.

"That's ok, probably better for her." I said as Luke and Calum were in the green room as well so we knew she'd be fine.

As the door shut, Michael went straight back to his guitar.

"How can you do that?" I asked as he started shredding.

"Practice sis, want me to teach you?" He asked sweetly.

"I-I don't want to pull your attention away Michael."

"Don't be stupid. C'mere, I'll teach you something simple." He said patting the space next to him.

"Ugh ok." I sighed as I walked over.

"Right, put your index finger here." He guided my fingers to where they were supposed to be.

"now your middle one here and your ring one here."

"Like this?"
He nodded.

"Now strum it."

I strummed it down, results were awful. Awful was a understatement.

"Good good, now keep your fingers on the same strings but move it down by one fret."

We kept practicing for hours and hours until dinner time came around.

"After all that practice, you want pizza?" He said as I nodded.

"Yeah, I've got to drop Rana off anyway."

Calum (11)
"Cal-Pal, I'm bored." I whined as he sighed.

"What you want me to do about it?!" He said angrily as he kept playing his bass.

"I don't know? I wanna learn bass." I said as he groaned.

"Right, sit on my lap." He said as I did so.

"Put a finger here and here."

"Like this?"

"Yeah, now pluck this one and then the other one, now move to this one and this one." He said pointing to the strings.

"Mhm Mhm."

"Now gently hit them not pluck, hit them with your thumb."
I looked at him confused as he giggled.

"Like this Y/N."
He took the bass into his hands. He gently hit the strings and it made a lower sound.

I copied him as he supported the bass.

"Good, now take this finger away and put it up onto this one and hit them again."

He kept teaching me the different techniques and stuff like that until I got the hang of it.

"You wanna try playing a simple rift?" He asked as I nodded, sitting up on his lap.

"Right you know the one that I was playing, think you could do that?"

"I think so."

I gently plucked the strings as he helped me hold it up.

"Keep going babes." He said as I struggled to find the correct place.

"Take your time,"

I finally did it.

"You did amazing babes."

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