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Luke: Cutie
Ever since you were brought into the Hemmings family, Luke had always called you cutie.
Never Y/N
Always Cutie.
He found you completely adorable and his favourite thing to do was cuddle with you.
He'd always hold you close to his chest and cradled you, saying things like: go to sleep cutie to the point where you would nuzzle Into him more.
He found you so cute and giggly when you were happy, you'd run around and he'd chase you round and round the living room. Jack and Ben would just laugh and watch the cuteness in front of them.

Ashton: Kitten
Yeah it sounds weird, but he loved that nickname. You were obsessed with cats like OBSESSED. You owned cat ears and posters and tones of cat themed things.
He always said that you were his little kitten no matter when or where you were.
He would always tease you by rubbing his stubble over your skin as you giggled and squealed as he would tickle you with his stubble. He'd always say
My little ticklish kitten,
Which only made you laugh louder.
Or he'd watch my little pony with you and he'd always take and wear your cat ears making you giggle and try to grab them back.
In public, in your buggy you'd cuddle with your cat plush and wear the cat ears whilst he'd take the buggy.
Honestly, he would always take the buggy, he wouldn't let The boys, Mum or Lauren and Harry near you.
He felt a strong responsibility as you didn't have a dad and nether did he.
He'd always coo at you, gently tickling you in the buggy making you giggle and squirm whilst holding onto your plush.
Even if fans noticed him, you were always cooed at and passed around by Ashton as the fans all were obsessed with you.

Michael: Sweetheart
Michael was just that type of person who would always be indecisive but when it came to you , different story.
He loved spoiling you like a lot, every time he'd come home from a long day rehearsing, at the studio or from tour, he'd always pick your small body up and say,
You my sweetheart, are gonna get spoiled.
You knew that that ether meant a takeaway or a shopping spree at Clare's or often times both. You weren't unmannered and you never liked people spoiling you but Michael would always spend his money on you.
He usually called you sweetheart as you had a very calm, nice and sweet personality.
In Clare's, he'd by headbands, bobbles, nail polish, makeup, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and he even bought you some teddy's and stationary.
Luke also stole your pink tutu that Michael got you from Clare's for the stupid livestream.
He would always be in hottopic and you'd always be with him, asking if you could buy a necklace or a small handbag and he'd always say yes. No matter the price, always yes.
If anything, he's truly the sweetheart.

Calum: bubs
He had always called you bubs. Even he didn't know why but he found it cute.
He always would play dollies and hide and seek with you and sometimes when Mali visits, she'd play too. He'd always say.
You doing ok bubs?
If you seemed a bit down or out of it.
He would always take you in his arms or on the buggy, no one else would.
You threw tantrums if he wasn't around you or if he was busy, you would always bug him to play with you.
He'd always take you to the park if it was nice out.
Bubs is what the boys called you too, Calum would always take you to see the boys and you rarely went back to your mums as they all stayed together.
If you had a nightmare, Michael would always be the first to come through but Calum would follow quickly.
They'd always calm you down by cooing at you or singing.
Bubs, it's ok. It isn't real.
Bubs, shhh, it's ok.
That's what they'd say to calm you down from the state you were in.
You and Calum would watch Barbie or Strawberry Shortcake whilst cuddling.
He'd always hold you in his lap as you were engrossed in the program.
Even the boys sometimes watched stuff with you.
You'd almost always fall asleep on ether Calum or Ashton.
Sleep well my bubs.

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