You try on his clothes (7-14)

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I decided to steal Michaels tank and jacket just to see what they'd look like on me just for a laugh.
I put them on giggling as I looked in the mirror in my room.

"Y/N? Have you seen m- Oh." Michael came into my room I put his jacket on.

"Mikey Mikey! Look look!" I squealed, jumping around as he giggled lightly.

"Ugh, Y/N i really need them!" He said as I fell into a fit of giggles.

"But I want them!" I sassed back giggling like no tomorrow.

"Y/N, gimmy them back or I'll ground you." He said sternly, walking closer.

"No, mine!" I said as he chuckled.

"You won't get any treats this week, so no sweeties, no takeouts." He said as I shook my head.

"No! I'm not changing!" I shouted as he got slightly angrier.

"Don't snap back! Give me them!" He shouted as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"That's fucking it! 1 month without treats!" He shouted as I jumped.

"No! Mikey I-I'm Sorry!" I said running to the bathroom.

"Exactly what I thought missy." He said as I went to the bathroom.

I quickly changed into my own clothes and picked Michaels clothes up.

"Will you steal my clothes again?" He said as I gave his clothes back to him.

"No, I'm sorry Mikey." I said hugging his legs.

"Don't steal things from people Y/N, it's not nice."

Luke (12)
"Jack?" I shouted from the top of the stairs.


"Can you turn the heating on?" I asked walking into the kitchen.

"Why? Just put on a hoodie or something." He said turning towards me.

"All mine are still at Ashtons from tour." I whined as he sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure there's one somewhere Y/N, go look." He said turning his attention back to his laptop.

I groaned and went back upstairs feeling a chill go up my spine.

I frantically looked for a hoodie in my closet and Landry basket. I didn't see a single one.

Luke probably has one. I'll borrow it.

I walked to Luke's room finding him sound asleep on his bed.
I saw his hoodie at the end of the bed and quietly took it and went back through to my room.

I put it on and slumped back on my bed feeling instant warmth.

"Find one?" Jack asked from the door.

"Yeah, not mine though. I told you all of mine are at Ashtons." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"Lemmy look. You've gotta have one somewhere Y/N." He said as he walked into my room.

"Jack, I really don't."

I sighed and he went through my laundry and whole wardrobe not finding a single hoodie.

"Told you." I said cockily as he sighed.

"Well you've got Luke's one for now. I'll have a look downstairs baby." He said walking out of the room shutting the door gently.

I sighed and looked out of the window seeing lashing rain and the trees were were swaying like crazy.

"So you stole my hoodie eh missy?" Luke said opening my door making me jump.

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