Broken Home (LUKE PT 3)

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"Sleep well guys." Ashton said kissing my head.

I nuzzled into Luke more as his head nuzzled into my neck.

"Ash, I-I think I- I think I'm in love with her."

What?! Michael!

I listened in still trying to sleep.

"Dude, it's ok. Talk with her once she's awake." Ashton said softly.

I smiled gently as I fell asleep.
Knowing he feels the same way, makes me so happy.

"I-I guess." Michael said softly as my heart fluttered.

The door shut over gently.
My heart fluttered and my stomach filled with butterflies.

I sighed and smiled with my eyed still closed. I nuzzled into Luke's chest now forgetting about the previous events.

"God I wish you could see how beautiful you really are babe, I-I wish you didn't have an eating disorder, I really wish you didn't. Mum and dad are so fucking stupid, you're so pretty and I know you don't see what I see. But if only you knew how much me and the boys care for you. I really do love you Baby Hemmings." Luke said softly in my ear.

I stayed still and he pulled me closer to him, my head now on his chest and his arms around me.

"I wish I was with you and I didn't leave. I should have known. I'm sorry baby I really really am. I-I never want to let you fall down that hole again." His Voice kept quiet and low.

It's not your fault Luke. It's mine. I want to do this. No one made me. Just me.

"You're so pretty. God, I wish you could accept you are. I would fucking die for you. I just don't get why no one else sees the same girl I do."

I felt tears well up in my eyes as he kept talking to me.

"You are so perfect to hurt yourself. You are not worthless. You are not ugly. You are perfect. You know how much I love you and how much I'd give up for you, just never leave me." He spoke softly, his voice cracked at the end.

A sob escaped my mouth as he held me in his arms.

"D-did you get that? You're beautiful. The most perfect sister I could ever ask for. The kindest, funniest, caring, beautiful and amazing person ever. Don't forget it babe. Ever." He said as he kissed my head softly.

"B-but n-no one- no one else t-thinks so." I spoke out with sobs drowning my voice out.

"Hey, we all think you're pretty." Michael said making me freeze.

"We've been standing here since he started talking. It's all true, you're ok. You're beautiful baby." Ashton said sitting on Luke's bed as I wiped my eyes.

"You're-you're wrong. I-I'm fat, ugly and-and weak." I said as they all sighed.

"No, no you're not. You aren't gonna hurt or starve yourself further, ok?" Luke said lifting me up and putting me on his lap.


"No! You are not going to do that! Understand?!" Luke screamed making me jump.

"Luke's right, you can't do this." Michael said softly.

"I-I just h-hate myself. Everything hu-hurts." I sobbed in Luke's arms as he held me close to him.

"Babe, Luke and us would give up everything for you to be safe and you know that. Just promise us you'll not starve yourself again?" Calum said softly.

"We'll help you every single step of the way Y/N. We are never leaving you with them again. Understand?" Luke said close to tears.

"C-can I talk to m-Mikey alone?" I asked as they nodded.

They left leaving only me and Michael in the room.

"What-What do you want to talk about?" He asked as I shuffled closer to him.

"You know why." I said to him making blush appear on his cheeks.

"D-did you hear?"

"Mhm Mhm." I nodded smiling at him.

"I-I it's um I-"
He was flustered.

I pulled him by his tank top and kissed his lips catching him off guard. His lips rested on mine and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me onto his lap.
My arms snaked around his neck as we pulled away.

"I really love you Y/N, more than anything and anyone else." He said smiling softly.

"I love you too."

He pulled me into another kiss and gently ran a hand through my hair.
I traced shaped into his chest as he kept kissing me passionately.

"You al- OH GOD!" Luke shrieked standing at the door.

Me and Michael scrabbled off eachother and i felt blush creep up my face.

"LUKE!"I squealed as him Ashton and Calum were all laughing and me and Michael were embarrassed.

"W-why Don't you ever knock?" Michael muttered.

"We'll leave you t-"

"No ashton, what did you need?" I asked with embarrassment showing so clearly.

"W-we were wondering if you had any Uh.... things?" Luke asked getting flustered.

"Luke? Why can't you just say Sanitary products?" I asked as everyone laughed.


"Because why?"

"Be-because it's awkward." He whispered.

"No I don't. I don't have any clothes either." I said as they nodded.

"We'll go to the shops and you two, no inappropriate business." Ashton said slowly backing out the door.

"Maybe take this to your room Michael." Luke said now a small bit embarrassed.

We both stood up and walked to his room.

"Where were we?" He asked shutting the door over.

"Um kissing?"

He chuckled and I pulled him close.

His lips crashed onto mine and I shut my eyes. His hands rested on my waist and my hand held his neck. His lips parted and he pulled away.

"I love you." He said looking right at me.

"Love you too."

Should I make this a book???? Like a kinda before this and then this and then after?

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