He gets angry at you (bsm)

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(Can we appreciate this cute pic of Luke? How the fuck is he so hot and pretty at the same fucking time?!)

Luke: 12
"Y/N! Get up here now!" Luke yelled sounding angry.

Earlier today, i thought that i could get away with hiding Luke's now broken guitar.
I was playing it but dropped it making it snap.

I gulped and slowly walked to his room noticing the boys just looking at me.

"Y-yeah?" I asked poking my head into the door.

He held the guitar head in one hand and the stem in the other.

"Why did you break my fucking guitar?!"

Now i knew he was mad. He would never shout or swear at me unless he was.

"I-it was a accident l-luke, i didn't-i didnt mean to." I said fiddling with my fingers.

"You really shouldn't snoop around or touch peoples things without permission babe." Michael cooed as luke grunted.

"I-im sorry." I said quietly.

He just looked at the broken guitar and sighed.

"Sweets, its ok. Don't cry. Its ok." Luke said softly, putting the guitar down and scooped me into a hug.

"I-im sorry." I said again now crying.

"Hey hey, shhhh. Its ok. Mistakes happen ok? Its just a guitar babe. Im sorry for shouting." Luke said soothing a hand up my back.

"Are-are you mad?" I asked as he wiped away my tears.

"Not mad, just disappointed. Just font touch other peoples things without permission ok?" He said kissing my forehead.

I nodded meekly into his chest.

"How bout a movie? Just to chill for a few." Ashton said softly.

We nodded and headed downstairs.

"Why arent you mad?" I asked luke as we sat on the couch.

"Youre my sister, i could never be mad at you Y/N baby." He said softly

"I love you lukey."

"And i love you too mini hemmings."

Michael: 18

I was at home with my boyfriend of 7 months and things were getting a bit frisky.
His hands roamed up my shirt and my hands were lost in his hair. My legs wrapped around his waist as he kissed my lips passionately.
My breaths hitched as his tongue got
Lost in my mouth.

After a few more minutes of making out, a knock came from my door.

I sighed and leaped off of BF/Ns lap.

"You two keep it down please, Michaels getting a bit pissed." Ashton said softly.


"Michael! Stop shouting at her!" Luke shouted.

"Jesus, sorry. We will ash." I said softly.

He shut the door and BF/N chuckled.

"Such a loving family you have." He said as I sat down on his lap.

"I know." I chuckled.

"Anyway, where were we?"

Our lips connected again and I wrapped my arms around him. His hand ran through my hair as we made out again.
His hand made its way up my top making me moan slightly.
Every few seconds, we pulled away to breathe.

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