You die (lashton)

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Ashton (19)

I can't believe I'm at my younger sisters funeral today.

She was so young and had so much to live for. But she didn't think so.

Dear Ashton
I'm so sorry. I really am. I just can't take this anymore. I'm hurting so bad Ash, the demons are eating me alive.
The darkness is consuming me way to much, pain is killing me.
I know you said that you would always be there but I never believed you.
You left when I needed you the most.

See you soon
Love your sister and best friend,
Y/N xxx

That note stuck with me.


"Y/N! I'm back!" I shouted as I walked through the house.


I walked upstairs and found a small note at her door.

Dear Ashton
I'm so sorry. I really am. I just can't take this anymore. I'm hurting so bad Ash, the demons are eating me alive.
The darkness is consuming me way to much, pain is killing me.
I know you said that you would always be there but I never believed you.
You left when I needed you the most.

See you soon
Love your sister and best friend,
Y/N xxx

"NO!" I screamed as I dropped the note.

I swung the door open to find her hanging.

I instantly burst into tears as i saw her limp lifeless body hanging by a rope.

"N-NO! P-please no! Y-y-y/N! F-fuck!" I instantly pulled my phone out and dialled the police.

"New South Wales police,"

"I-i just-just came h-home a-and my Uh my little s-sister c-committed s-suicide." I struggled to speak as anger, guilt and sadness consumed me.


I gave her our address.

"We're sending police and a ambulance over now sir."

I felt sick. My best friend just killed herself. And I was to blame.

I held a bunch of white roses in my hand as Luke and the boys all stuck with me.

"Ash, I'm-I'm so sorry." Liz said hugging me passionately as I felt tears prick the back of my eyes again.

I couldn't even speak.
Lauren and Harry were both crying as Calum and Luke went over to them and started comforting them.

Michael stuck with me, hugging me close as I cried into his shoulder.

"S-s-She's g-gone. Because o-of me." I said in tears as Michael sighed.

"You know it isn't your fault Ash, it never was and never ever will be. You understand?" He said as I took a big shaky breath.

The funeral started as me Lauren and Harry were all sitting next to each other.

"Her brother, Ashton, would like to say some words."

I stood up as I felt tears threaten to fall.

"She was- Y/N was my best friend. She wasn't a-a sister, but m-my friend. She helped me t-through the tough times, a-and the least I could do is return the favour.
I helped her through a-self-harm and-and bullying, but it wasn't enough. She wa-was hurting more and more everyday was pain.
I-i will always love her." I struggled forming sentences.

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