Chapter 76

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We get interrupted by Eli's phone ringing off the hook. He breaks our kiss to say "ignore it" and kisses me again. I couldn't help but smile into his kiss. Then my phone started ringing and Eli groans. I tell him to ignore it. But it was like each of our phones were playing phone tag with whoever was trying to call us. When my phone rang for the third time Eli finally said on a groan "just answer it." I kiss him again and grab my phone off the nightstand. It's Gracie.
I answer and put it on speaker "hello?"
Gracie says almost out of breath "thank God you answered! I've been trying to call you and Eli for 20 minutes!"
Me and Eli say in unison "we know."
Gracie laughed. "But really, I heard dad and mom last night arguing. Dad said he found out Emma's pregnant and mentioned Kenzie to you both."
I answer "yeah, that happened."
Gracie apologizes "Emma I'm so sorry! Kenzie and Eli have a past and I'm sure he didn't realize you didn't know!"
I sigh and Eli interjects "Gracie, we aren't talking about Kenzie anymore. Emma knows and that's it. End of discussion. She doesn't need anymore stress or drama on her. We gotta go." And hangs up on his sister.
He looks at me empathetically and smiles before guiding me back to the couch. He lays me down and is on top and says "now where were we?" I giggle and say "I think here..." and start kissing him with so much passion. He pulls away to tell me he loves me and goes back to kissing me. Oh how I love this man.

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