Chapter 72

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Eli drove us home with such caution. Not much was said on the way. The silence was comforting in a way. We would catch each other glancing at one another and smile.
I keep thinking that if I would have been by myself tonight, I would have never made it to the hospital. I'm so grateful Eli came home from work early and was there when it happened. By far, tonight was the scariest moment of my life. I could have failed my babies and Eli all in one day. I don't know how I would be able to live with that.
I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize that we pulled into the parking deck. Eli quickly got out of the car and came over to my side. He opened the door and puts out his hand for me to take. I take his hand gently and get out of the car. I go to close the door and walk into our building, but he stops me. He closes the door himself and he picks me up over the threshold. He's taking the whole not being on my feet thing to another level. But I don't mind. I'm so tired and just trying to relax from such a stressful night.
We take the elevator to our floor and make it to our apartment, finally. Eli unlocks the deadbolt and walks me straight to the bedroom and places me on the bed and starts tucking me in.
I giggle and say "thank you, babe." He smiles and kisses me.
He breaks the kiss and says "I need to call my dad and tell him I'm not going to work tomorrow. I'm staying home to take care of you and take you to the doctor."
I interject "Eli, you don't have to do that. I can manage and I'll make sure to go to the doctor."
He groans "Em, don't be difficult. I was scared to death tonight. I'm staying home and going with you to the doctor. That's final." He was very stern and I could tell there is no changing his mind. He is very adamant about it. I sigh and sweetly say "okay, babe." I smile at him finally breaking through his stone face and he smiles back before chuckling. He kisses my forehead and tells me he loves me. I return the I love you and ask him to come to bed.
He chuckles again "babe, let me call my dad first. You get some sleep. I'll be in shortly. I love you." He kisses me and turns out the light before going into the living room to call his dad.
I'm silently praying his dad doesn't fight him on it. I just want Eli to be relaxed. Tonight has been stressful enough and he doesn't need anything else on him right now.  I love that man so much that I can't help but worry.
I take a deep breath and tell myself not stress or worry and to try to rest. I close my eyes and sleep overtakes me.

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