Chapter 71

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We are instantly taken to an examination room in the ER. I have never been more fearful in my life. I'm in charge of another human beings life... what if I have failed already as a mother? This would be my fault. Eli has calmed me down from crying, but I'm still super emotional and I'm really quiet. Eli is holding my hand as we wait for the doctor to come in. I get another sharp pain and squeeze Eli's hand and almost go into a ball because it hurts so bad. He keeps saying calming things trying to reassure me.
The doctor comes in within 20 minutes of us arriving.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Reynolds. What brings you in?"
Eli interjects "my girlfriend is pregnant and is experiencing severe abdominal pain." Dr. Reynolds nods his head.
"Ms. Williams, I'm going to apply slight pressure to your stomach. Tell me if it hurts."
I slightly gasp as he applies the pressure.
"Okay, and how far along are you?"
I respond quietly. "8 weeks."
The doctor nods his head. "I'm doing an ultrasound so I can get a better look at your baby. Please lift your gown up some so I can apply the gel. It's a little cold."
I do as he says. I look at Eli and a tear escapes from my eye. He stops it with his thumb and kisses my forehead.
We suddenly hear a loud thumping noise, not really sure of what it is. Eli asks "what's that? What's going on?"
The doctor giggles "that noise is your babies heart beats."
I look at Eli very confused. "Babies?"
Dr. Reynolds says "I'm guessing you didn't know at your first doctor appointment that you're expecting twins." I look at Eli and he takes his hand and wipes it down his face. He hasn't said a word about it.
"But, my first ultrasound didn't show two babies."
Dr. Reynolds speaks up almost instantly "it appears that baby B was hiding behind baby A. They do hide sometimes. We're lucky we caught this today. You probably aren't consuming enough for two babies, water, food, prenatal vitamins. And stress can also cause the pain you're experiencing. We are going to suggest you make an appointment with your doctor for tomorrow for a new prescription for prenatal vitamins. I'll come back in with your release to sign. Stay off your feet as much as possible the next few days and rest too."
I nod my head and thank him.
Dr. Reynolds walks out and I look at Eli. "Please say something..."
"Twins? That means double everything..."
I look down and sniffle.
He chuckles "and it means double the love. I'm double excited, baby." I look up at him and he smiles and kisses me.
"And one other thing Em... you are resting tomorrow and going to the doctor. I'm making sure of it. You are not to stress anymore." And kisses my forehead.
I sigh and say "okay, baby."
The amount of relief that my babies are okay is washing over me. I am so grateful that Eli was home when everything started happening. I do need to take better care of myself so our babies are healthy.
We sign the release forms and Eli makes me use a wheelchair to go back to the car. He is taking what Dr. Reynolds said seriously and I'm grateful. Everything is going to be okay.
Eli lifts me into the passenger seat and I take his face in my hands and kiss him. I pull away and tell him I love him. He smiles and kisses me again. He pulls away so he can close the door and take all four of us back to our apartment.

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