Chapter 96

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5 months later...

Eli has been working so hard lately. He's been sworn in as CEO so his dad has officially retired. Surprisingly enough his dad has been a lot nicer since he isn't active CEO.
Eli is conducting a huge deal with the board of operations. I don't know all the details of it, but he's worked countless hours and comes home so late and exhausted. It's heartbreaking.
My due date is in a couple of weeks. I have been put on mandatory bed rest to let them bake some more. I'm 38 weeks today so I can really go at any time, bed rest or not. I've had a ton of Braxton Hicks contractions. It scares Eli to no end because he thinks it's the real thing and I just laugh to keep the mood light.
Gracie is supposed to come over in a little while to keep me company. We've been spending more time together since I need to be "watched". Eli's words not mine. He worries so much about me being so pregnant. He's the sweetest.
There's a knock on the door and I slowly get up and wobble to the door. When I open the door I feel a sudden gush and look down and Gracie's eyes follow and they get big. "Did you just pee?"
My eyes are bigger "no... you need to call Eli and tell him to meet us at the hospital. My water just broke." At that point I feel a contraction and lean on the door for support.
Gracie quickly calls Eli and puts him on speaker.
"Eli! I'm freaking out!"
"Gracie, if this is some sort of game you and Emma have come up with to get me freaked out, you both have another thing coming." And he started laughing. I get irritated.
"It's not a joke this time! My water broke!"
The line goes silent.
"Okay... okay... don't panic. I'm on my way!"
Gracie interjects "no time to get here! Just meet us at the hospital!" And she hangs up. She's about to drag me out of the apartment "Gracie! I need my bags!" She goes back in and gets them as another contraction comes. Breathe in and out.
She finally comes running back and we head to her car. We're stuck in traffic. My phone starts to ring and it's Eli.
"Hello..." my voice sounds strained.
"Baby where are you? I'm here and they said you haven't checked in yet."
I started having another contraction.
"Baby, breathe." I let out slow, pained breaths. Once I gain composure I answer "we're stuck in traffic. We're about 5 minutes out."
"Let me send an ambulance and get you..."
"I'm okay, I'll be there soon. Just wait for me..."
"Okay, Em. I love you so much!" And hangs up the phone.
My heart is racing and I feel like I need to use the bathroom.
We finally make it through the light and I yell at Gracie to floor it.
We barely made it to the hospital doors before Eli rushed out with a nurse and a wheelchair.
They immediately get me on monitors and in labor and delivery.
Eli is holding my hand and kissing me and being so supportive.
I keep saying over and over "I want the epidural." I'm in so much pain! It's indescribable.
The nurse was checking me and she said "no time. Baby A is about to be here."
I look at Eli with a panicked look.
He gives me a reassuring smile and says "baby, you got this! We are going to do this together!"
"We?! I'm pushing 2 watermelons out of my body! How is this a we thing? I hate youuuu!" I say as a contraction comes.
He just smiles and rolls his eyes "you're right baby... it's you. It's all you. You got this! Let's get our watermelons here!"
About 3 hours of pushing later, we welcomed two beautiful baby boys into the world. We named them Eli James Brink Jr. and Ezra Joshua Brink.
We are on top of the world. Holding both babies in my arms Eli looks at me with such adoration and kisses me. This is forever. My family. Before him doesn't even matter.

The end.

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