I cant...

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Giant tears ran down my face and ran off as I ran as fast as I could.

Please be ok...

The thought of the note made me cry more and run faster. I dont know how my legs went so fast but it was pure adrenaline.

I finally made it to the hospital as I gasped for air. I ran in and begged the reception to let me see my mom.

After begging and pleading mom's doctor eventually noticed.

"Izuku you can come with me" he said in a calm tone.

I followed him hastily

Please be ok

He led me to Mom's room where she was all hooked up on life support. I ran to her bed side. She was hardly conscious

"Mom!! Are you ok??"
"Izuku... *cough* i- I'm sorry..."
"Mom please dont..."
"I never... meant to..."
"Mom... Please... you're the last good thing... I have..."
"Just know... *cough* I...love you.."
"Please don't do this... I love you too much..."
"I....love...you, Izuku..."

The machines beeped and beeped. Suddenly they were silent, and next, the line went flat. My whole body went pale.


The doctor entered the room along with a few nurses. "Izuku I need you to come with me right now."

"NO I WONT LEAVE HER! SHE'S NOT GONNA DIE! PLEASE!" I sobbed at him. "Izuku come with me. Now is not the time to be difficult." I tried to speak but the only thing that came out were loud sobs

A few nurses calmly walked over to me and grabbed my arms. I let out loud sobs in disapproval. I struggled as much as could to make them let go but they managed to drag me out if the room. They shut the door and locked it.
"NO! Please!! Mom I love you! Dont leave me!!!" I sobbed loudly to my self.

I retreated to the bench that sat next to her door. I sat there and cried for hours. Eventually falling asleep with a tear stained face and a drippy nose.

Hello readers! Sorry for the tiny hiatus. Some things happened and I lost my phone for a while but now  back! Next part will be out by Wednesday the 25th! See you then!

3 years later
wow. I was really short on ideas. how did anybody genuinely enjoy this story.

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