they're here...?

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Shoto and I walk down the street. Cars whizzed past us. The temptation to jump in front of one was strong but as if he could sense my temptation he held me closer and tighter.

"We're almost there. Just hold on for a little longer ok?" He said gently as we walked.

Eventually we made it to the school. We walked in and i was immediately surrounded

"Deku! Are you ok? We missed you so much! I'm so sorry abou-' Uraraka tried to keep going but she was interrupted by Kaminari.

"Dude we heard about your dad, are you ok? What's goin' on?"

"ALL OF YOU BACK UP. GIVE HIM SOME SPACE. HE IS PROBABLY STRESSED. YOU NEED TO GIVE HIM SPA-" Iida yelled while waving his hands around. But his desperate attempts to get them off me were useless.

I saw Kacchan leaning on the wall looking at the floor in the back corner. I would have gone to talk to him but I was stuck in place by a swarm of concerned classmates.

Eventually things calmed down. I explained what was going on with me to them when we got to the dorms. there were tears, and not just mine. Kacchan still looked upset. I had the chance so I took it.

I walked up to him. I stood there for a second waiting for him to notice me.

"Are you ok Kacchan?" I asked after a few seconds.

He looked up with a nasty glare on his face.

"What the hell do you want, nerd?" He snapped.

"You looked kind of upset. I was kinda worried."

He rolled his eyes.

"Come to my room at 9. Or I'll explode you to hell and back."

"Um.. ok?" I said questioningly as he walked off to his room.

I walked back over to the area where Uraraka and Iida were. The time was 6:58. I sat down to talk with Uraraka. I felt strange. I was at peace. Things were good, and I was surrounded with a loving environment. A slight smile forced itself on my face. Was I happy? How strange, earlier I was ready to let myself go. Now I think I might be able to bear this hell known as life for a little while.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to 9:00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Iida had rounded every one up at 8:30. He made us all go to our rooms because of course he did. The clock said it was 9:00. I opened my door to make my way to Kacchan's. The door creaked as I closed it behind me. I was scared. Why was I scared? What does he want? The floor boards seemed to creak louder and louder with each step.

I made it to his door and I knocked.

"Deku?" He growled from inside his room.

"Yea..." i replied

"Well get in here then nerd." His voice was harsh yet sad.

I opened the door. I was him sitting on his bed looking at the floor.

"What did you need?" i said as i stepped in.

"Close the door. I don't want the extras to hear me." he demanded.

"Um.. ok?" I said as I closed his door.

"The icy hot bastard told me why you were late..." His voice was sadder. "He told me... that you heard what I said... when we were back in middle school."

"Take a swan dive off the roof" I answered.

Upon hearing those words he flinched slightly and continued.

"All I wanted to say...'' tears welled up in his eyes "is that... i... I was an idiot in middle school. I didn't know what I was talking about. I... im sorry.." he finished as he wiped tears from his face.

"It wasn't just you that made me jump-"

"What? You actually jumped?" his voice cracked."Damn Icyhot just said he had to talk you down..." He turned away


"Shut up.... I... I'm sorry.. now.. get out..."

"I- but, Kacchan..."

"I said go."

I turned to leave and as I approached the door he mumbled under his breath.

"If you tell anyone about this... you're dead.

I paused to signal to him that I understood, then I walked back to my room.

~time skip to morning~


I woke up to the sound of my Exclusive all might alarm clock. I shut off the loud clock and stayed in my bed. The sunshine peeked through the curtains, lighting up the entire room. I looked at the clock and realised it said it was 10:30 A.m. I heard thumping coming closer to my door. It was very fast so I could only assume it was Iida.

My door swung open as Iida appeared in my vision.

"MIDORIYA YOU HAVE TO COME SEE THIS" He yelled into my room and pulled me out of bed.


Ok, hi there guyssss.... so um, it's been a while..... I know i kinda went MIA there for a while with posting the story... I really don't even have an excuse. really all i can tell you is that i couldn't find the motivation to write.

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