Chapter 1

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  Shadow joins Sonic and the gang

Sonic and his friends were just having fun together. Amy and Sticks were playing volleyball, Knuckles was just doing his work out, Sonic was just laying down on a hammock and Tails was just at his shack fixing his plane. While they were having fun Sonic received a call from Tails. 

Sonic: Hey Tails. What's up

Tails: Sonic, Eggman and his robots are causing destruction on the village

Sonic: Okay Tails, we're on our way

Sonic ended the call and told the others that Eggman and his robots are causeing destruction on the village. Sonic and his team ran to the village to stop Eggman and his robots from destroying the village. When they arrived at the village they saw Eggman and his robots destroying the village.

Eggman: Muhahaha. Yes, yes my robots distrouy!

Sonic: Give it up Egghead *distrouy some of the robots*

Eggman: You blue rat. Robots attack Sonic and his friends!

Eggman ordered his robots to attack Sonic and his friends. Sonic and his friends destroyed every robots that attack them. Sonic and his friends keeps on destroying the robots but no matter how many robots they destroy- ed they were to many robots for them to fight. Sonic and his friends were getting tired from fighting the robots.

Eggman: Hahahaha. You all look tired, just give up Sonic

Sonic: Never Egghead *destroys the robots*

Eggman: So be it Sonic. Robots attack!

Eggman ordered his robots again to attack Sonic and his friends. When the robots were about to attack Sonic and his friends a black and red strip hedgehog attacked all the robots with his speed. When the hedgehog was done destroying the robots he teleport  himself  to Eggman. When the hedgeh- og was now on Eggman's Eggmobile. Eggman was suprise to see Shadow in front of him.

Eggman: What the?! Shadow?! What are you doing here?

Shadow: Destroying your robots and you

Shadow teleport himself below the Eggmoblie and kicked it high in the sky and teleport back down to the ground.

Eggman: I'll be back! *flies up into the sky*

Amy: Wow. Thanks Shadow

Sonic: Yeah if you were not around we all be dead

Shadow: Yeah sure whatever *runs off*

Amy: Well that was rude

Sticks: Yeah what's his problem?

Tails: Guys don't be like that Shadow saved us so we should thank him

Sonic: Tails right you guys should be thankful that Shadow saved us

Amy: Okay Sonic. Sorry

Sonic: Its alright Amy

Sticks: Fine but I still don't trust him cause he is still our enemy

Sonic: Even tho he is our enemy but he still saved our lives

Knuckles: Yeah but why did he help us I thought he hated us?

Sticks: Yeah or what if he is controlled by aliens to take over the world

Amy: Sticks don't be paranoid, Shadow is now being a good guy now

Sticks: Hmmm. Maybe

Sonic: Come on guys let's go home now

Sonic and his friends went back to their shack to rest. Why did Shadow helped us? Sonic thought to him self and started to forget about it and continues to relax. Eggman and his robots starts attacking the village every single day now and Shadow recently help Sonic and the gang defeat Eggman's robots but when they finished fighting Eggman's robots Shadow just ran off recently. Sonic was now thinking that since Shadow is now like a good he should try asking Shadow to join the team. Sonic told his friends that he is going for a run. Sonic ran to the mountains to find Shadow if he could ask him that he could join the team. Sonic went up to the mountains to find Shadow. When Sonic found Shadow's cave he went in and looks around if he is here.

Sonic: Hey Shadow are you there?

Shadow: What do you want?

Sonic: I wanted to ask if you'll like to join the team?

Shadow: Why would I join your team?

Sonic: Well since you are now like a good guy now and you have been helping us defeat Eggman's robots and why did you recently like help us defeat Eggman's robots anyway?

Shadow: Its none of your business

Sonic: Fine. Then but can you join the team please?

Shadow: Hmmm......

Sonic: Please Shadow we need you on the team

Shadow: *Sighs* Fine Sonic since I have no other choice but to accept it

Sonic: Yessssss

Shadow: But I'm just joining your team not making friends got it

Sonic: Fine Shadow, then welcome to the team Shadow *puts out his hand*

Shadow: *Puts out his hand and shakes Sonic's hand*

Shadow accepted the offer that he will join Sonic's team. Sonic ran back to his shack to meet up with his friends to tell them that Shadow joined the team. When Sonic told his friends about Shadow joining the team they were shock that Shadow actually joined the team but they were also glad that Shadow has change. Every- time Eggman and his robots attack the village Shadow joined Sonic and his team to defeat him everyday together as a team. But everytime Eggman fails he started to thick of plan to finally defeat Sonic and his friends.


Hey guys this is my fist sonic boom story and I hope you guys like it and if there is wrong spelling or grammar then please forgive for that. See ya guys later. Bye

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