Chapter 13

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              Come back to us Sonic

Dark was now screaming and was in his knees again. His fear color was slowly changing to dark blue and his green emerald eyes was shown. Tails looked at Dark and was now sure that Sonic was still in there, he knee he has to do something to get Sonic back. Tails looked at Amy and Shadow and was going to run to them. Tails ran to Shadow and Amy leaving Dark on his knees and screaming in pain.

Amy: Tails! Are you okay?

Tails: Yeah. I'm fine but we gotta help Sonic

Shadow: I don't want to say this but Sonic is gone Tails......

Tails: No! I know his still in there we just have to help him

Shadow and Amy: *Looks at each other and nods*

Shadow: Okay. Let's do it

Tails: *Nods*

Tails, Shadow and Amy went to Sonic. Dark was still in his knees and was screaming in pain again. Tails, Shadow and Amy slowly went up to Dark slowly and carefully from behind him. The Dark looked behind him and looked at Tails, Shadow and Amy. The 3 was a bit startled when Dark saw them. Dark only growled and starts to scream in pain. Tails looked at his best friend sadly.

Tails: Sonic!

Dark Sonic: *Looked at Tails*

Tails: Sonic.....I know your in there and I know that you will never give are my hero Sonic and will always be my best friend Sonic.......

Dark Sonic: *Looked at Tails a bit sadly* T-Tails.....

Amy: are a nice and kind friend to me......and I just can afford to lose you Sonic......... *starts to cry*

Dark Sonic: Amy........

Shadow: Sonic......your sometimes annoying and real in pain......but you showed me that I am not alone in this world and that it feels great being with others as your friends......I'm glad to be your friend Sonic.....

Dark Sonic: Shadow......

Tails, Shadow and Amy: Come back to us Sonic!

Then Dark stared at them for a moment and a tear drop from his eye. The he began to scream in pain again. His eyes were back to pupil less bug he didn't attack Tails, Shadow and Amy. He was still in his knees and screaming in pain. Tails, Shadow and Amy looked at the blue hero and hoped that he can come back to them.

~In Sonic's mind~ 

Dark was now the one on his knees and Sonic was in front of him. Sonic looked at Dark. Dark looked at Sonic angrily and inhale and exhale him self. Sonic then knelt down. Dark looked away an didn't look at Sonic anymore.

Dark: Go ahead finish me off!

Sonic: And why would I do that?

Dark: *Looks at Sonic*

Sonic: Look I'm really Sorry that I forgotten about you for all this years, I just didn't want to remember about what happened to Cosmo and remember what I did to the Meterex...
I'm really sorry that I forgot about you.......

Dark: *Looks down* I'm not the only one who you forgotten.....

Sonic: Yeah. I know I also forgot Super

Dark: And Fleetway

Sonic: Huh?

Dark: Tch! Guess you only know me and Super then

Sonic: Uhhhh hehehe yeah. I just met Super

Dark: So he showed him self to you?

Sonic: Not only that he encourage me to stop you from destroying my home and my friends

Dark: Tch! That is so like him

Sonic: So I forgot you, Super and Fleetway?

Dark: Yeah

Sonic: Well I'm gonna say sorry to them both

Dark: Their not gonna show them selves

Sonic: Well I'm just gonna scream that I'm sorry *inhale and exhale and starts to yell* HEY SUPER AND FLEETWAY I'M SORRY THAT I FORGOT YOU GUYS FOR ALL THIS YEARS

Dark: Hehehe

Sonic: What?

Dark: Your such an idiot sometimes

Sonic: Yeah that's me.....friends? *puts his hand out to Dark*

Dark: *Looks at Sonic's hand and smiles a bit* Friends *takes Sonic hand*

Sonic: *Smiles and helps Dark up*

Dark: *Stands up* You should go back now

Sonic: Yeah. See ya later Dark

Dark: See ya later......Sonic

~Back to reality~

Dark's fear color was now changing blur and his green eyes were now shown once again. That means Sonic's back to normal. Sonic then falls down to the ground and was unconscious. Tails, Shadow and Amy saw that Sonic was back to normal. The 3 went to Sonic and checked if his okay.

Tails: His fine just unconscious

Amy: Thanks goodness

Shadow: Some on let's take him, Knuckles and Sticks back to Tails's shack

Amy and Tails: *Nods*

Tails and Amy carried Sonic and Sticks to Tails plane and helped Shadow carry Knuckles, man he was heavy. Tails, Shadow and Any hoped on Tails's plane and starts to fly back to Tails's shack to heal the others wounds. They arrived at Tails's shack and placed Knuckles, Sonic and Sticks down. Any then ran to get the first aid kit while Shadow sitted down since he was injured as well. Tails and Amy patched Shadow, Knuckles and Sticks wounds. Sonic was just laying on a bed and was unconscious. Tails and Amy finished patching Shadow, Knuckles and Sticks wounds they just need to rest. Tails sitted down on a chair and looked at Sonic. He was waiting for him to wake up while the others rest. Then Tails was getting sleepy and falls asleep on the chair.

The Darkness With In Me (Dark Sonic Boom)Where stories live. Discover now