Chapter 11

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                    Rise Dark Sonic

Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, Sticks and Amy looked at Sonic shocked that he was still not back to normal. Dark Sonic/Dark looked at them angrily. He clench his fist and growled at them. The 5 of them backed away from Sonic a bit. They thought that destroying the collar will bring Sonic back but they were wrong. Tails starts to cry that his best friend wasn't back to his normal self. Shadow, Sticks, Knuckles and Amy are prepared for Dark's attack on them. Dark look at them but was now emotionless.

Dark: Its time for all of you to die!

Shadow: That's not gonna happened Sonic

Dark: Sonic is gone now I am Dark!

Tails: Give us back Sonic!

Dark: That's not gonna happened since I'm now in control of his body

Sticks: Then we'll defeat you and bring back Sonic ourselves

Dark: Go ahead and try

Then Sticks, Shadow and Knuckles ran to Dark and tries to attack him. Sticks used her boomerang to attack Dark but Dark dodges. Knuckles punches at Sonic many time but Dark dodged them all. Shadow then spin dashed at Dark but Dark dodged it again. The 3 of them kept on attacking Dark with everything they got but everytime they attack him he kept on dodging their attacks. They were getting a bit tired on attacking him. Dark smirked evilly at them.

Dark: My turn

Then Dark flies to Shadow, Sticks and Knuckles to attack them. Dark punch Sticks in the stomach hard and made her fly back and hit a tree. Then Dark flies to Knuckles and kick him but knuckles dodged. The Dark disappear into the shadows.

Knuckles: Ha! You missed

Dark: Did I? *appears behind Knuckles and kick and punch him everywhere really fast*

Knuckles: Ahhhhhhhhh!

Knuckles got hurt real badly and was now laying on the ground. Shadow growled and spin dash Dark. Dark dodged it. Shadow then ran to Dark and punches him. Dark dodges it and was about to punch Shadow in the stomach but Shadow dodged it. Dark and Shadow kept on punching and kicking each other but bot of them kept on dodging. Amy went to Sticks and help her up while Tails went to knuckles to help him up too. The both of them went to a safe spit for Sticks and Knuckles to rest for a bit. Shadow and Dark kept on fighting and fighting each other. They were getting a bit tired of fighting.

Dark: Grrrrrr! That's it fun's over!

Then Dark flies to punch Shadow in the face. Shadow stayed still and wait for the right moment to dodge it but before Dark was close on punching Shadow he suddenly disappear. Shadow kept his guard up and looked around to find where will Dark appear again. Shadow kept one looking around. The Dark appeared behind Shadow and was now about to punch him. Tails saw Dark behind Shadow.

Tails: Shadow behind you!

Shadow: *Looks behind and dodges his punch* Heh. You miss

Dark: Grrrrrr!

Shadow: Thanks Tails

Tails: No problem

Dark: You brat

Dark then attack Shadow with a kick again. Shadow saw this and dodged it again. Dark was getting irritated that Shadow kept on dodging his attacks. He kept on punching and kicking Shadow but he kept on dodging.

Dark: Hold still you brat!

Shadow: No way

Dark: Grrrrrrr!

Dark kept on attacking Shadow but he kept on dodging it. Shadow also attacked Dark but he kept on dodging as well. Both of them were getting irritated that they kept on dodging their attacks. Amy and Tails watches them in a safe spot with Stick and Knuckles by their side and was thinking of a plan for them to defeat Dark and get Sonic back. Shadow and Dark kept on fighting for an hour. The both of them were getting tired but the both of them didn't give up. Dark had enough of this and dark aura surrounds him.

Dark: I have enough of this! I will defeat you if its the last thing I do!

Then Dark flies to Shadow really fast like never before and attack Shadow. Smoke surrounds them. Amy and Tails can't see clearly from all the smoke. They both waited for it to clear out. Both of then were shock to see Shadow has gotten hurt from that impact. Shadow was holding his right arm and close his right eye as well. Dark was emotion less seeing Shadow hurt. He then walked to Shadow and grabbed him by the throat. Shadow struggle to brake free from Dark's grip. Dark tightened his grip and making Shadow lose air.

Dark: Say good bye Shadow

Tails: Sonic stop this!

Dark: *Looks at Tails*

Tails: Please......stop this let Shadow go......please *starts to cry*

Dark: *Looks at Tails emotionless* I told Sonic is gone! I'm in control!

Tails: No......I still know that the Sonic that I know is still in there.....please come back to us..... *cries more*

Dark: *Growls and toasted Shadow aside*

Shadow: *Breathing for air*

Dark: I'm gonna say this one more time Sonic is now gone and will never come back!

Tails: That's not true Sonic will come back an he always will!

Dark: Grrrrrr! That's it! *flies to Tails and attacks him*

Tails: *Stands still and closes his eyes*

Amy: Tails no!

Dark was about to punch Tails but suddenly he stopped and was now on his knees and was holding his head. Tails opened his eyes and looks at Dark. Dark was holding his head and was screaming in pain. Tails looked at Dark and walked to him slowly. Amy watches Tails walk to Dark slowly. She was scared that Tails could get hurt. Then Dark stopped screaming. He panted and was looking at Tails a little. Tails was still walking slowly to him and putted his hand out to touch him.

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