Chapter 9

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              Chaos and destruction

Eggman flew off with his eggmobile and with Sonic by his side to the village. Eggman called his robots and prepare to attack the village. Everyone in the village were getting scared of all the robots in the city. Eggman starts to talk.

Eggman: Hello to all of you I'm am Dr. Eggman and I'm here to destroy your home and no one will stop me! Hahahhaha!

Random person: Sonic will stop you!

Eggman: Oh really well your so called hero is no longer a hero anymore. Oh Sonic

Sonic: *Flies next to Eggman*

Eggman: He is now working for me

All villagers: *Shock and scared*

Eggman: Now robots attack!

All the robots starts to attack the village. All the villagers were all running for their lives and were screaming for help. Eggman watched them coward in fear. Eggman formed a evil smirk in his facing seeing the coward in fear and with no hero to save them. Sonic didn't entered on destroying the village he just watched all the villagers coward in fear just like Eggman. Eggman will use Sonic for later when it is the time is right. All the robots destroyed everything in the village. The robots also hurt some of the villagers. Eggman starts to laugh manically seeing the villager suffer.

~In Dark Sonic's mind~

Sonic looked around on where he was. All he see is darkness and nothing else. He tried to find an exit but no luck.

Sonic: Hello! Anyone here?

No respond. Sonic kept on walking trying to figure out where he is. Sonic kept on walking and looking but everything were all just darkness. Sonic was getting irritating that he can't find a way to get out of her. He stomped his feet.

Sonic: Grahhhhhh!

Sonic's voice echoed trough out the darkness. Sonic walked a little bit faster trying to figure it out where he is and how he can get our of here. Suddenly there was someone watching him in the darkness. Sonic starts walk again and look around once again. The figure who was watching Sonic starts to follow him around. Sonic felt that someone was watching him from the darkness. He turned around and looked around to find the person who was watching him.

Sonic: Who's there, show your self!

???: Tch! Fine

Sonic was startled that someone was really here and was watching him to. The mysterious person stepped out of the darkness and showed him self to Sonic. He looks disame as Sonic but his fur color is black. He looked at Sonic with angry eyes.

Sonic: Who are you?

???: Tch! Can't believe you forgot about me

Sonic: Ummm can you tell me who are you?

Dark: Tch! Fine. I'm your dark version of your self. Dark Sonic

Sonic was speechless seeing his dark form. He looked at his dark version of him self in the eyes. He can tell that he was angry about something but what?

Sonic: How are you here?

Dark: Tch! You really don't remember do you?

Sonic: *Shook his head as a now*

Dark: Grrrrrrr! *gets angry and flies to punches Sonic*

Sonic: What the?! *dodges*

Dark Sonic/Dark attacks Sonic with angrily. Sonic dodged every attack by Dark. Dark was getting really irritated. Dark flies again to attack Sonic. Sonic was preparing for Dark's attack but when Dark was almost on attacking him he suddenly disapered in the darkness. Sonic got confused and wondered where his dark version of him self has suddenly disappear. Dark looked at Sonic in the darkness and waiting for the right moment to attack Sonic. Sonic kept on looking around on where will Dark will apper. Dark cane out of the shadows and kicked Sonic in the back hard. Sonic got hit and was on his knees. Dark came to Sonic.

Dark: Give up?

Sonic: Never!

Sonic stood up and spin dashed Dark. Dark dodges and grabs Sonic's leg. Dark flied up while holding Sonic's leg. He stop flying and floated. He starts to spin Sonic around really fast then smash Sonic down to the ground hard. Sonic was in pain from the impact. Dark floated down in front of Sonic. Sonic looked at him in the eyes.

Sonic: W-Why are you doing this?

Dark: To get my revenge for all this years

Sonic: *Stands up* Why would you want revenge?

Dark: Tch! Cause you forgotten me for all this years you idiot!

Sonic: Hey! I'm not an idiot!

Dark: Tch! Whatever

Then Dark disappear into the darkness once again leaving Sonic alone again. Sonic looked down thinking. What happened to me years ago that made Dark in the first place and.....did I really forgotten about him for all this years? Sonic thought to him self. He was still in pain so it will be hard for him to walk. He sitted down on the ground and relax for a bit to get is energy back a bit. Sonic didn't notice that Dark was looking at him into the shadows with anger in his eyes. Get ready Sonic cause I will defeat you once and for all and I will be in control of your body. Dark thought to him self and disappeared again into the darkness.

~Back to reality~

The village was now destroyed. All of the villagers were injured badly because of all the robots attacking tgem. Eggman smirked evilly seeing everything destroyed by him. Sonic was still emotionless since his still in Eggman's control. Eggman was now powerful with Sonic by his side and soon he will destroy the world. Our hero has fallen to the darkness and Eggman is now powerful. Will there still be hope to stop Eggman and save the blue hero? Or will Eggman destroy everything in his path with Sonic by his side.

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