Chapter 14

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                Welcome back Sonic

The next day Sticks, Knuckles and Shadow were recovered. Amy, Sticks, Knuckles and Shadow went to the village to fix all the damages of the villagers house and patch up all the villagers who got hurt. Tails was at his shack asleep on a chair beside Sonic sleeping on a bed. Sonic then woke up and slowly opens his eyes. Sonic sits up from the bed and looked around. He notice that he was in Tails's shack and saw Tails sleeping on a chair beside. Sonic smiled a bit and layed down again on the bed. He thought about what happened yesterday. He was just relief that is was all over. Then Tails woke up an rubs his eyes. When he was done rubbing his eyes he saw Sonic laying on the bed awake. Sonic looked at Tails awake and smiled.

Sonic: Hey buddy

Tails: *Cries and hugs Sonic*

Sonic: Wow

Tails: I'm so glad that your okay Sonic!

Sonic: *Smiles and pets Tails back*

Tails: *Let's go of Sonic and wipes the tears from his eyes*

Sonic: Where's the others

Tails: Oh theirs at the village repairing all the damages and helping all the villagers who got hurt

Sonic: *Frowns and looks down sadly* Its all my fault......

Tails: No. Its not your fault Sonic Eggman controlled you

Sonic: And then attack you guys with not even controlled

Tails: Sonic.....

Sonic: I'm sorry Tails its all my fault I don't even deserve to be the hero *covers his eyes with his arm*

Tails: Don't say that!

Sonic: *Looks at Tails*

Tails: You will always be the hero and will always be my hero no matter what'll always be my best friend and no matter what happens to you me and the other will help you with it *smiles a bit*

Sonic: *Sigh and looks at Tails and smiles a bit* Yeah.....thanks Tails

Tails: You're welcome Sonic *hugs Sonic*

Sonic: *Hugs back and a tear fell out from his eye*

Tails: Come on let's go meet up with the others

Sonic: *Wipes the tear* Yeah. Let's go

Sonic and Tails went to the village to meet up with the others. While Sonic and Tails ran and flew to the village some of the villager were hiding when they saw Sonic. Sonic and Tails saw the others at Meh Burger eating together. Amy, Sticks and Knuckles ran to Sonic.

Amy: How you feel Sonic?

Sonic: I feel great Ames

Amy: I'm glad your feeling good *smiles*

Sticks: *Looks at Sonic and circled him around while looking at him*

Sonic: Ummmm......Sticks?

Sticks: Are you sure your okay? Your not gonna turn evil again are you?!

Sonic: No Sticks, I'm fine I promise

Sticks: Hmmmmm......

Knuckles: *Smacks Sonic's back* Glad your back Sonic

Sonic: Yeah thanks Knuckles

Knuckles: No problem

Shadow: *Walks to Sonic*

Sonic: *Looks at Shadow*

Shadow: Welcome back Sonic

Sonic: *Smiles* Thanks Shadow

Shadow: *Smiles back a bit*

Knuckles: Wow. That's the first time I saw you smile at someone Shadow

Shadow: Yeah. Whatever

Sonic: *Smiles happily and notice that every villagers are hiding* Hey why is everyone here hiding?

Shadow, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks: *Looks at each and then at Sonic*

Sonic: *Looks at them and lowers his ears* Is it because of me is in it......

Shadow, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks: *Nods*

Sonic: *Looks down sadly*

Tails: Hey we know that its not your fault Sonic

Sonic: But.......all of the them are scared of me because I hurt them all.......

Amy: Don't worry Sonic we'll explain them all what happened to you and maybe they'll understand

Sonic: I hope so.......

Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks: *Looks at Sonic sadly*

Sticks: Come on let's go explain to everyone about it

Sonic: You guys can do it I'll just go for a run *runs off*

Tails: Sonic......

Shadow: *Holds Tails' shoulder* Let him go he just need time to think

Tails: Yeah.....your right

Tails and the others explain everything to the villagers except Shadow he went to go and find Sonic. Sonic was now on a mountain and was sitting on the grass. He looked at the sky. A tear drop from his eye and starts to cry. He felt awful that he hurt all the villagers and almost destroy his home because of his dark form. Shadow saw Sonic and went to him. He tapped Sonic's should. Sonic looked behind him and saw Shadow. He wiped the tears from his eyes. Shadow sat next to Sonic.

Sonic: Hey Shadow......

Shadow: Hey you okay?

Sonic: *Sigh* Not really

Shadow: Look we know it wasn't your fault what you did to the villagers

Sonic: But it was....

Shadow: The others explain to the villagers about it

Sonic: What did the villagers say?

Shadow: They understand about it and they all have respect for you again

Sonic: Well that's a good thing to know......hye Shadow

Shadow: Hm?

Sonic: Thanks for helping me back to normal

Shadow: You're welcome

Sonic: *Stands up* Let's head back

Shadow: Sure

Sonic: Race you there *runs off*

Shadow: *Giggles a bit and runs after him*

Sonic was back to his normal self and all the villagers wasn't scared of Sonic and respect him as their hero. Sonic and this friends fought Eggman every time Eggman attacks and with Shadow by their side. Everything went back to normal and everything was peaceful to Sonic. Sonic and his friends hang out and Shadow joined them along as well. Sonic was happy that everything turned out okay.

                           The End


Well that's the end guys and I hope that you guys like it. And I think the ending suck but oh well. And thank you so much for reading this story and for voting it as well. I really appreciate it. Thanks again and please check out my other books if you want. Bye

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