Chapter 8

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             Our hero to our enemy

Sonic flies to his friends and attacks them. He punched Knuckles in the face real hard. Knuckles got hit and flies backwards and hits the wall hard. He groaned in pain. Sticks jumped and tries go attack Sonic. Sonic saw it and disappears. Sticks was shock and landed on her feet. She looked around finding where Sonic is. Sonic reaper behind Sticks and kicked behind her. Sticks got slammed to a wall and groaned in pain like Knuckles. Shadow spin dashed to Sonic but Sonic dodges. Sonic attack Shadow with a punch. Shadow dodges. Sonic spin dash Shadow. Shadow was about to dodged but Sonic was too fast for him to dodged and got hit and flies backwards and hits the wall. Shadow groaned and stood up. Sonic looked at Shadow with no emotion in his face. Tails looks at his best friend and steps in front of him.

Tails: Sonic, please stop this. Come back to us *starts to cry*

Sonic: *Says nothing and looks at Tails with no emotion*

Shadow: Eggman, stop this madness!

Eggman: Why would I when I'm enjoying you guys get killed by your own friend

Shadow: *Growls*

Tails: *Looks at Sonic with watery eyes*

Eggman: Well this is getting a bit boring. Sonic kindly finish them off

Sonic: *Nods*

Sonic flies again and kicks Tails. Shadow push Tails aside and got hit instead of Tails. Shadow flies backward again and hits the wall again hard. Shadow groaned in pain. Sonic looked at Shadow with no emotion again. Eggman smirked evilly  seeing all of them suffer. Tails eyes widened that Shadow saved him. Tails looks at Sonic with fear and sadness that his best friend has changed because of Eggman. Eggman kept on  smirking that he was actually winning for the first time in his life and that Sonic's so called friends were defeated by their own hero. Even Shadow the ultimate life form has been defeated by his own rival. Shadow stood up shakily. Eggman looked surprise that Shadow is still standing even from all the pain.

Eggman: You're still standing?

Shadow: I will never give up on fighting for my friends!

Eggman: Friends? Hahahahahaha........
your so funny Shadow

Shadow growled that he was not joking. Even tho he was Sonic's enemy before but not anymore he change thanks to him. He was glad that he was accepted as a friend to Sonic and his friends. Shadow straightened up and was ready to attack.

Shadow: Make fun at me all you want Eggman but I will still fight for Sonic and his friends!

Tails: Shadow.....

Eggman: Tch! Even so you still can't defeat Sonic by your self

Tails: His not alone *stands beside Shadow*

Amy, Sticks, Knuckles: *Stands up and stand beside with Shadow*

Tails: We're in this together

Shadow: *Nods and looks at Amy, Sticks and Knuckles*

Amy, Sticks and Knuckles: *Smiles and nods*

Shadow: *nods and looks at Eggman again*

Eggman: Awwww. What a warm hearted moment to bad it has to end. Sonic attack!

Sonic: *Nods head and flies to attack again*

Shadow: Let's go! *runs to attack Sonic*

Amy, Tails, Sticks and Knuckles: *Runs with Shadow to attack Sonic*

Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks runs to attack Sonic and tries to save him from his dark side. Shadow sin dash to Sonic. Sonic dodged it. Amy jump and swings her hammer to hit Sonic. Sonic saw this and dodges it. Sticks uses her boomerang to hit Sonic but Sonic catched and throws it away. Knuckles runs to Sonic and tries to punch Sonic. Sonic dodged every punch from Knuckles.

Sonic: My turn *says coldly*

Sonic punches Knuckles a lot and really fast that Knuckles can't dodged them. Knuckles was bruised up from all the punches and was getting tired to. Sonic punched him again really hard that made him hit the wall again. knuckles was now unconscious from all the punches from Sonic.

Shadow, Amy, Sticks and Tails: Knuckles!!!

Sticks: That's it, you're going down Sonic! *runs to attack Sonic*

Tails: Sticks wait!

Sticks runs to attack once again. Sticks was about to kick Sonic but Sonic suddenly disappear. Sticks looks around where Sonic will come out. Sonic appeared again but he was now behind Sticks. Sonic kicked Sticks really hard and made her hit the wall again. Sticks was now unconscious from the impact. Amy picked up her hammer and hits Sonic with her hammer. Sonic saw it and caught Amy's hammer. Sonic grabs Amy's hammer and hits Amy real hard. Amy flie back and hits the wall. Sonic went to Amy and kicked her in the stomach. Amy was unconscious. Shadow and Tails were the only once who are still standing. Shadow runs to Sonic and punches him. Sonic caught Shadow's punch and punches Shadow in the stomach. Shadow was now on his knees. Sonic grab Shadow's leg and flied them both up in the air. Sonic spin Shadow around.

Shadow: Sonic Stop this!

Sonic: *Didn't listen and spins him faster*

Shadow: AHHHHHH!

Sonic spins Shadow even faster and slammed him down into the floor hard. Shadow crash to the ground and  the ground has a hole from the crash. Shadow was now unconscious from the impact and was bruised up to. Tails watched all his friends got hurt. Tails puts out one of his inventions and used it to hit Sonic. Sonic got hit but just has a scare in the arm. Sonic looked at Tails. Tails was full of anger and sadness at the same time. Sonic walked to Tails and was about to punch him. Tails close his eyes and use his hands up to his face waiting to get hit by the punch but nothing happend.

Eggman: Leave him we have business to take care of

Sonic: Yes Dr. Eggman * puts his hand down and flies to Eggman's side*

Eggman flew off with his eggmobile and with Sonic by his side to the city and cause chaos there. Tails went to his friends and helped them get to his plane. Tails flew them back to his shack and patch them all up. They all saw that their hero has fallen to his dark side and the team doesn't know how to save the villagers and their friend now.

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