Chapter 7

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        Friends meet the dark hero

Sonic was now fully healed and has his energy back. Eggman was at his lab programming Metal Sonic to fight Sonic as his fighting partner so that Sonic would be ready to fight who ever comes in his way. Eggman finished programming Metal Sonic and called Sonic.

Eggman: Sonic

Sonic: Yes. Dr. Eggman *says coldly*

Eggman: Your going to train by Metal sonic so that you would be ready to fight anyone who comes in you way

Sonic: Yes. Dr. Eggman *says coldly*

Eggman: Good

Sonic and Metal sonic went to a room to fight. Sonic kept on fighting Metal sonic with all his power. Metal sonic was almost destroyed by all the punches and kicks by Sonic. Eggman was smirking evily on how powerful Sonic is in his dark form. Eggman was preparing some robots for their attack on the village but this time with Sonic joining him as his dark form.

~With Tails and the other~

Everyone prepared everything to attack Eggman and save Sonic from him. Tails was now preparing his airplane for them to fly to Eggman's base. Shadow was just at a tree looking around and waited for the others to be here. Finally they arrived and was now ready to go to Eggman's base.

Tails: Is everyone ready?

Amy, Sticks, Knuckles, Shadow: Ready

Tails: Good now let's go save Sonic

Everyone nods and seated on Tails plane. They were almost at Eggman's base and was ready for anything that comes in their way. Meanwhile Sonic half destroyed Metal Sonic. Sonic looked at Metals Sonic body and kicked it a little. Eggman smiled evily watching Sonic destroy something. Eggman imagine about how Sonic would destroy the village then the world. Eggman laughed proudly on what he imagine about Sonic destroying the village and destroy the world next. Tails and the others arrived outside Eggman's base. Tails slowly park his plane and made sure that they weren't spotted bye Eggman. Everyone hope off Tails' plane and snuck inside Eggman's base. When they were inside Eggman's base they were attacked by Eggman's robots. Tails and the others fought every robots that attack them.

Knuckles: Tails, Shadow go find Sonic we'll handle this

Sticks: Yeah *destroys a robot*

Tails: But-

Amy: Go Tails! We'll be fine *destroys a robot* Now go!

Tails and Shadow: *Nods and ran*

Knuckles, Amy and Sticks fought all the robots one by one while Tails and Shadow find where Sonic is and hoped that he is okay. Tails and Shadow kept in looking but no sign of Sonic. They opened some rooms but nothing. Tails was getting worried for his best friend.

Shadow: *Puts his hand on Tails' shoulder* Don't worry we'll find him

Tails: *nods and runs*

Shadow: *follows*

Tails and Shadow continued looking for Sonic and hoped that his still alive. When they were still looking for Sonic they both bumped into Eggman.

Eggman: Why hello there

Shadow: Eggman!

Tails: Where's Sonic Eggman!

Eggman: And why would I tell you? Robots attack!

All of Eggman's robots appeared and starts to attack Shadow and Tails. Shadow uses chaos spear and spin dashed the robots. Tails uses one of his inventions to destroy the robots. Eggman's robots kept on coming and kept on attacking Shadow and Tails. The both of them were getting tiered from fighting the robots in their own.

Eggman: This is the end for the both of you! Robots finish them!

Eggman's robots starts to attack them again but before they could get close to them Amy, Sticks and Knuckles came in and destroyed some of them.

Amy: You guys okay?

Tails: Yeah. Thanks guys

Amy: Anytime

Sticks: Hey egghead where's Sonic?

Eggman: Like I said I won't tell you

Knuckles: Then we're doing this the hard way *cracks his knuckles*

Eggman: Fine then. Robots attack!

Tails, Shadow, Amy, Sticks and Knuckles attack the robots together as a team. It didn't take to long that they finally destroying all the robots. Eggmna ran away. Tails, Shadow, Amy, Sticks and Knuckles ran to catch Eggman. Eggman went into a room where Sonic was fighting Metal Sonic. Tails, Shadow, Amy, Sticks and Knuckles surrounded Eggman.

Knuckles: You're surrounded egghead

Tails: Now tell us where's Sonic is!

Amy: Or else!

Eggman: No please don't hurt me *pretends to be scared*

Sticks: Looks like egghead is really is scared of

Shadow: *In Shadow's mind (Something's not right here)*

Eggman: *Smirks and laughs manically*

Tails: What's so funny?

Eggman: You really think I'm scared and would give up that easily?

Knuckles: Ummm......yeah

Tails, Amy, Sticks and Shadow: *Face palms*

Eggman: If you really want to see Sonic so badly then fine. Oh Sonic~

When Eggman called Sonic's name. Sonic smashed the floor and stood up. Sonic looked at his friends in the eyes with no emotion. Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Shadow and Sticks were shock and was scared seeing Sonic differently. Eggman just smirked evilly seeing Sonic friends how scared and shock that their here has fallen to his dark side.

Tails: S-Sonic?

Sonic: *didn't say anything and looks at them still emotionless*

Shadow: What the hell did you do to him Eggman?!

Eggman: Oh nothing just changed him and made him do what I say to him *smiles evilly*

Amy: You bastard *puts out her hammer and attack Eggman*

Eggman didn't move and smiled evilly. Amy was about to use her hammer to hit Eggman in the head but was caught by Sonic. Sonic throws Amy's hammer away and punches Amy. Amy got hit by a wall and was hurt. Tails, Knuckles, Sticks an Shadow went to Amy.

Sticks: What the hell did you do that for Sonic?!

Sonic: *Still didn't say anything*

Eggman:  You still don't get it do you? I controlled Sonic and make him do what I say and now he works for me *smiles evilly*

Tails: N-No *shocks his head*

Eggman: *Smirks evilly* Now Sonic attack them!

Sonic: Yes Dr. Eggman *says codly and flies to attack them*

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