Chapter 5

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                     Sonic's torture

Sonic slowly woke up and starts to rub his eyes to see clearly. When he regain his vision he notice that he wasn't in the forest any more. He was in a room that everything was white. He tried to stand up and run for his life but he can't. His wrist and his legs were chained up. He also has a collar on his neck. Sonic struggled to break fee but no luck. Eggman enters the room and saw Sonic struggling to break free. Sonic stopped when Eggman entered the room. Sonic growled seeing Eggman.

Eggman: Morning you blue rat

Sonic: What do you want from me egghead?

Eggman: All I want is for you to help me take over the world

Sonic: Nice try egghead but there's no way that I'm gonna help you take over the world

Eggman: I knew that your gonna say that so I'm gonna make you join me *evil smile and walk away*

Sonic: *In Sonic's mind (what's Eggman up to now)*

Eggman left the room and left Sonic alone in the room. Eggman grabbed the chaos emeralds and went back to the room. When Eggman returned to the room where Sonic was. He looked at the window of the room where Sonic was chained up. Eggman smiled evily that Sonic was trying to escape. Eggman's plan was that he will torture Sonic and make him feel angry arou- nd the chaos emeralds and control him by using the collar on Sonic's neck. Eggman ordered Orbot and Cubot to prepare the materials for Sonic's torture. Orbot and Cubot came back with the materials. Eggman smirked evily and went in the room.

Sonic: What do you want now egghead?

Eggman: Oh nothing I'm just gonna have some fun with you *evil grin*

Sonic: *In Sonic's mind (I have a bad feeling about this*

Eggman grabbed a wipe and hit Sonic in the shoulder real hard. Sonic bite his bottom lip trying not to scream in pain. Eggman hit Sonic again  but this time in the back. Eggman kept on hitting him again and again. Sonic scream in pain from how painful it was. Eggman stopped and left Sonic. Sonic saw a puddle of blood on the floor. Sonic tried to stand up but made his back hurt when ever he tries to move. Sonic lied down on his side and tries to sleep. Eggman was watching Sonic sleeping from the window. Eggman only smiled evily and thought to him self that he will continue to torture Sonic when he wakes up. At the shack, Tails and the others were thinking of a plan on rescuing Sonic while Shadow rest up.

Tails: Do you guys have ant ideas?

Amy: No

Sticks: I got nothing

Knuckles: Me too

Tails: *Sighs* We better think of something really soon

Amy: Yeah. I'm getting worried about Sonic

Tails: Me too but we can't give up, right guys?

Amy, Stick and Knuckles: Right

Tails: Alright. We'll think of something soon

Amy, Sticks and Knuckles: *Nods their heads*

Tails: *Nods his head as well*

Tails and the others kept on thinking of a plan to save Sonic from Egggman. At Eggman's base, Eggman saw Sonic moving. Eggman went into the room and holed a wipe again. Sonic slowly woke up and saw Eggman in front of him and saw him holding a wipe.

Eggman: Good morning Sonic, had a good rest?

Sonic: No

Eggman: To bad *smiles evily and hit Sonic with the wipe*

Sonic: Ahhhhhhh!

Eggman: *Hits him again and again*

Sonic: AHHHHHHH! *blood dripping down from his back*

Eggman: Ready to give up and join me Sonic?

Sonic: N-Never my friends will save me

Eggman: Say all you want hedgehog but they won't save a weakling like you!

Sonic: *Gets angry* Shut up! They will save me and will kick you ass egghead!

Eggman: Tsk! *hits him with the wipe again but even harder*

Sonic: Ahhhhh! *collapse on the floor*

Eggman: They were never your friends Sonic!

Sonic: Shut up!

Eggman: I'm guessing their relaxing right now and will forget about you!

Sonic: *Makes a fist and looks down angrily*

Eggman: Face it hedgehog you are nothing to them even tho your the hero

Sonic: *Can't take it anymore and punches Eggman*

Eggman: *Dodges*


Eggman: We'll just see if they will if they won't then I guess I was right

Sonic: *Makes a angry face and growls*

Eggman: *In Eggman's mind (Yes. That's the face that I want to see) smiles evily and leaves*

Eggman leaves the room and left Sonic alone again. Sonic watches Eggman leave the room with anger in his face. Sonic made a fist on how angry he was about Eggman's words about him and his friends. But he was also wondering of the words that Eggman said earlier was true or not? Sonic shook his head and hope for his friends to save him. Guys......please save me soon. Sonic thought to him self and fell asleep while feeling the pain from his back.

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