Chapter 2

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     Eggman searches for the chaos

~With Eggman in his lab~

Eggman was at lab researching about the chaos emeralds power. Eggman learned that the chaos emeralds have the power of light and darkness. The light and darkness form the chaos emeralds is really powerful. The light power of the chaos emeralds are harnessed by positive energy and can turned to super form and are also powerful and the darkness power of the chaos emeralds are also harnessed by negative energy, if the chaos emeralds will be corrupted the chaos emeralds will turn into its dark form and is also really powerful. But the chaos emeralds can be used like Sonic and his kind like Sonic and Shadow and they can also turn into their super forms and they can also turn into their dark forms by corrupting the chaos emeralds with negative energy. Eggman thought of an idea that he will make some kind or device that can control Sonic and make him do what he says and make him really angry for the chaos emeralds to absorb all the negative energy from Sonic. Eggman will first search for the chaos emeralds then capture Sonic.

~With Sonic and the gang~

Sonic and the gang were just having fun at the beach together, Shadow was just at his cave doing his own business there. Sonic thought to himself that maybe he should let Shadow join their fun.

Tails: Can't believe that Shadow joined our team

Sonic: Yeah can't believe either

Tails: Hey. Is Shadow gonna join us having fun here

Sonic: I think he won't

Tails: Why?

Sonic: He just said that he will only join the team and he doesn't want to be friends with us

Tails: Oh. Well I guess he just like being alone huh

Sonic: Yeah and he was always alone when were still enemies

Tails: Yeah you're right

Sonic: Well I'm going to go to Shadow's cave and invite him to hang out with us

Tails: Are you sure Sonic? Maybe we should just live him alone

Sonic: Tails, Shadow deserve it since he has been helping us defeat Eggman everyday and he has been alone for so long after all

Tails: Yeah I guess your right

Sonic: Well I'm going now. See ya later Tails *waves good bye to Tails and runs off*

Tails: Bye Sonic *Waves back to Sonic*

Sonic ran to the mountains to find Shadow and invite him to hang out with him and his friends.

~Back with Eggman~

Eggman was now getting ready to find the chaos emeralds. When he finished getting ready he got in his Eggmobile.

Eggman: Orbot, Cubot gard the house while I'm gone. Got it!

Orbot: Yes, of course Dr. Eggman

Cubot: Safe travels *waves good bye to Eggman*

Eggman: Grrr *rolls his eyes and flew off with his Eggmobile*

Eggman flew off with his Eggmobile and starts searching the chaos emeralds and finally defeat Sonic and his friends.

~Back with Sonic~

Sonic was now at the mountains and ran to Shadow's cave. When Sonic arrived at Shadow's cave he first look around if Shadow is home.

Sonic: Hey Shadow are you there?

Shadow: What do you want Sonic?

Sonic: Well since you are now a part of the team and all I was wondering if you want to hang out with us as a thank you for joining the team

Shadow: No

Sonic: Why not?

Shadow: Like I said I am not making friends with you and your friends

Sonic: I know but why don't you want to be friends with us?

Shadow: I don't need friends and I don't friends like you

Sonic: Oh come on Shadz at least have fun with us

Shadow: Hmmmm

Sonic: Please please please please pppppllllllleeeeeaaasssseeee

Shadow: Ugh fine and don't call me that

Sonic: What? You mean Shadz?

Shadow: Yea

Sonic: Okay the. Well let's go have fun

Shadow: Fine let's go

Sonic and Shadow ran to the beach to meet up with the others and starts to have fun together. They spend the hole day having fun together and for the first time Shadow was enjoying him self and smiled a little of the fun they had together. When Sonic notice that Shadow was enjoying him self Sonic was glad that Shadow was happy for the first time. When all of them were having fun Eggman on the other hand was searching for the chaos emeralds. Eggman only found some of the chaos emeralds, he only need one more chaos emerald. The green chaos emerald which Shadow has in his hands. So Eggman will think of a plan to get the last chaos emerald. Sonic and the team were going home, Shadow was the last one with Sonic.

Sonic: So Shadow did you have fun?

Shadow: Yeah. I guess so

Sonic: So we're friends now right?

Shadow: I told you I am not making friends with you

Sonic: Oh come on Shadow you did hang out with us

Shadow: Hmmm.......

Sonic: Please Shadow. You did become good guy now

Shadow: Grrrrr. Fine we're friends

Sonic: Great and you will also be friends with the others right?

Shadow: Grrrr......fine

Sonic: Great. Well see ya *runs off*

Shadow: Whatever *smiles a little and runs off to his cave*

Sonic and Shadow were now back at their place. Shadow was actually happy that he became friends with Sonic and his friends. It also reminds him of Maria his first friend at the ARK and remembers the good times he had with Maria. But he was also sad that he lost her 50 years ago. He also remember that Maria told him to help others and also makes friends with them and promised to do is for Maria. Maria I hope that your proud and happy for me that I help others and made friends too. Shadow thought to him self as he stare at the night sky above him. 

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