Chapter 3

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             The last chaos emerald

Sonic and his friends were going to Meh Burger to have lunch together while Shadow was just at his cave eating lunch alone. When Sonic and his friends arrived at Meh Burger they start to order their food. When they were done ordering their food they began to eat. While they were still eating they heard a explosion.

Knuckles: Wow! What was that?

Sticks: Its happening the aliens are now taking over the world *goes crazy*

Amy: Sticks!

Tails: No that's not it Eggman is attacking the village again! We gotta stop him!

Sonic: You guys go ahead I'll call Shadow about this

Amy, knuckles, Sticks, and Tails: *Nods and runs off to fight Eggman and his robots*

Sonic: *Starts to call Shadow from his communicator*

Shadow: *Hears his communicator ringing and answers it* Hello?

Sonic: *Talking from Shadow's communicator* Shadow! Eggman is attacking the village again we need you here now!

Shadow: Okay I'm on my way *ends the call and about to run to the village but trips on something and almost fall* what the heck did I trip on. Never mind that I better hurry *runs off*

Shadow ran to the village to help the others. When Shadow was now out of the cave Orbot and Cubat grab the green chaos emerald that was on the ground.

Orbot: Good. The chaos emerald was dropped when Shadow trip the rock that I place earlier to make him drop the chaos emerald from his quill

Cubot: Let's go back to the base. I bet Dr. Eggman will be proud of us that we got the green chaos emerald

Orbot: I hope so. Let's go

Orbot and Cubot went back to the base and wait for Eggman to arrive. Shadow o the other hand was still running to the village to help the others fight Eggman and his robots. While Shadow is still running Sonic and his friends starts to fight Eggman's robots.

Eggman: Muahahahaha!

Sonic: Stop this right now Egghead or else

Eggman: Hmmm. How about no. Robots attack! *all robots starts to attack Sonic and his friends*

Sonic: Fine you as for it Egghead *starts to attack the robots with his team behind him*

Sonic and his friends starts to fight the robots. Sonic spin dash the robots, Amy used her hammer to smashed the robots, Tails used some of the broken parts of the robots to smash the robots, knuckles punched the robots as usual and Sticks used her boomerang to destroy the robots one by one. While they were still fighting the robots Shadow arrived and spin dash some of the robots.

Shadow: Hey guys

Sticks: And why are you late you emo?

Shadow: Oh. Sorry that I'm late you crazy monkey

Sticks: What did you just call me!

Amy: Guys! Stop arguing and help us already *smashes some robots*

Shadow: Tch. Whatever *walks to the other direction to fight some robots*

Sticks: Hmph. Meanie *uses her boomerang to destroy some robots*

Eggman: (Shadow is here. All according to the plan. Hahahahah)

Sonic and his friends are still fighting Eggman's robots together as a team. All of them fought all of them with all their strength then for a few minutes Eggman started to shout to their robots.

Eggman: Robots retreat

Robots: *Stops fighting Sonic and his friends and walks away*

Eggman: I will be back next time Sonic *flies away*

Knuckles: That was weird

Amy: Yeah. Eggman never retreats like that

Sticks: Unless that Egghead is working for the aliens and this is a diversion. Soon the aliens will attack us!

Amy: I think that's not it

Shadow: Yeah

Sonic: Hey Shadow, thanks for helping us again

Shadow: Anytime. Well I'll see ya guys later. Bye *runs off*

Sonic: Bye Shadow *waves his hand*

Knuckles: Hey guys let's eat I'm starving

Sonic: Hehehe okay

Sonic and his friends went back to Meh Burger to eat together. Shadow was now at his cave and was getting his chaos emerald from his quill but wasn't in his quill. He looked every where in the cave to find it. Shit where the heck is it. Don't tell me someone stole! Grrr. if  I found that bastard who stole it I will break that persons bones! Thought Shadow when he was still looking around his cave. Eggman was now in his lab and us holding the green chaos emerald. Eggman putted it in a safe place along with the other chaos emeralds. He was now finishing touches of his invention.

Eggman: Finally its finished. Now all I need to do is to capture Sonic and turn him to his dark from and make him do what ever I say and make him destroy the village and then the world. Muhahahaha!

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