Chapter 4

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                    Capturing Sonic

Sonic was now at forest having his morning run. While he was running he saw Shadow walking around the forest. He stopped running and walked to Shadow.

Sonic: Hey Shadow!

Shadow: Oh. Hey

Sonic: What are you doing?

Shadow: Its none of your business

Sonic: Oh. Come on Shadow let me help you

Shadow: *Sighs* Fine. I'm looking for my chaos emerald cause I think someone stole it yesterday

Sonic: Let me and my friends help you

Shadow: Grrrr. Fine

Sonic: Great. Let's tell the others that we should find the thief who stole your chaos emerald

Shadow: Fine whatever

Sonic: Let's go *runs off*

Shadow: *Follows*

Sonic and Shadow went back to the village to tell the others that they need their help. When Sonic gathered all of them at the beach Sonic told them that they should find Shadow's chaos emerald.

Sonic: Okay were going to split up. Sticks, Tails you two will search from above so that you two can get a better view. Knuckles, Amy you two will search from the village and ask some question if they saw a chaos emerald. Me and Shadow will search from the forest

Everyone: Okay

Sonic: Great. Now let's go find who stole the chaos emerald

All of them went where they were assign to find the person who stole the chaos emerald. Sticks and Tails used Tail's plane to fly up into the sky to look around from above. Amy and Knuckles looks around the village and starts to ask question. Sonic and Shadow run around the forest to find the chaos emerald. Everyone has been searching everywhere for the chaos emerald but now luck. They stop searching and head to Meh Burger to eat.

Sonic: Any luck?

Tails: No

Knuckles: We search everywhere and ask everyone question but no one seen who or where it is

Amy: We should try harder on finding it

Sticks: Yeah

Shadow: Grrrrr

Sonic: Shadow, calm down we'll find it

Tails: Yeah when we're done eating we'll start searching again okay

Shadow: *Looks down*

Sonic: Alright. When we're done eating we should start searching again. Okay?

Everyone except Shadow: Okay

Shadow: Hmmmm

When they were done eating they start to search for the chaos emerald again. Sonic and Shadow were now at the forest looking around to find the chaos emerald. When they were still searching for the chaos emerald Eggman appeared with his robots.

Sonic: Eggman?!

Shadow: What the hell are you doing here?!

Eggman: Oh nothing just wondering around and by the way Shadow I stole you chaos emerald

Shadow: You stole it!

Eggman: Yeah. Anyway ROBOTS ATTACK!!!

All of the robots starts to attack Sonic and Shadow. Sonic and Shadow spin dash all of them. When they were busy fighting the robots Eggman press a button and a giant robot appeared and used his claw to catch Sonic. The robot grabbed Sonic and squeezed him.

Sonic: Aaaaarrrggggghhhhh *being squeezed really hard and passed out*

Shadow: Sonic!!! *spin dash the giant robot but punch by the robot really hard to the ground*

Eggman: Hahahaha. So long sucker *flies away with the giant robot following him from behind*

Shadow was unconscious and was bruised up really bad. Eggman went back to his base with the giant robot holding Sonic. The gang went to the forest to find Sonic and Shadow. When they arrived they only saw Shadow unconscious and was bruised up. Knuckles carried Shadow back to Tails's shack to heal him. Tails finished putting the bandage around Shadow and left the room where Shadow was sleeping to let him rest.

Amy: How is he?

Tails: His fine he just need some rest

Sticks: What happened to him and where's Sonic?

Tails: I don't know but we will ask Shadow when be wakes up. He is the only one who knows where Sonic is

Knuckles: Yeah. But who could have done that to him

Tails: I don't know but first we need to help Shadow

Amy, Knuckles and Sticks: *Nods*

Amy, Knuckles, Sticks and Tails waited in the living room for Shadow to wake up. Eggman on the other had was now at his base with Sonic was in a room and was chained up uncon- scious. Eggman was pressing some buttons on his computer in his lab.

Orbot: Everything is ready Dr. Eggman

Eggman: Good. What about the chaos emeralds?

Orbot: They are putted in a safe place like you said

Eggman: Good

Eggman was preparing and planing something for Sonic. At the shack Tails and the others waited for Shadow to wake up.

Shadow: *Wakes up and groans* W-where am I?

Tails: Your awake!

Amy: You okay?

Shadow: Yeah. I'm fine

Tails: What happened and where's Sonic?!

Shadow: Sonic was taken by Eggman

Amy: Why would he take Sonic?

Shadow: I don't know and Eggman was also the one who stole my chaos emerald but I have a feeling that his planning on something

Sticks: Like what?

Shadow: I'm not sure yet

Tails: Well first of you should rest up. We're gonna need all the help we can get to save Sonic

Sticks: Yeah

Shadow: Fine

Tails and the others left the room to let Shadow rest. Tails was now thinking of a plan to get Sonic back from Eggman.

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