Chapter 10

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              Defeating Dr. Eggman

Tails took Shadow, Amy, Knuckles And Sticks to his shack and patch their wounds. When he was done patching his friends wounds he look out the window and was terrified to see the village destroyed and see all the villagers suffer. Tails looked down sadly seeing his home destroyed by Eggman and that his best friend had fallen to his dark side. He just hope that its not to late to save his home and save all the villagers who lived here. Few minutes later Shadow woke up with a groaned. Shadow looked around and saw Tails siting down on a chair and was a sleep.

Shadow: Ugh! My head

Tails: *Wakes up* Shadow! Your awake!

Shadow: Ugh! Yeah....what happened?

Tails: You guys were beaten up by Sonic real bad

Shadow: Oh. How come you didn't get hurt?

Tails: I'm....not so sure, Sonic was about to attack me but Eggman stopped him and went to the village

Shadow: Your lucky

Tails: Kinda, you should look outside

Shadow: *Stands up and walked to the window and was shock* What happened to the village?

Tails: Eggman and his robots did this

Shadow: *Clenches his fist* That bastard!

Tails: Not only that he will use Sonic to destroy the world and be the ruler

Shadow: Grrrrr!

When Shadow and Tails were looking out of the window Amy, Sticks and Knuckles woke up. Amy saw Shadow and Tails look out of the window and stood up.

Amy: Hey guys what are you looking at?

Shadow and Tails: *Turns around and looks at Amy*

Tails: You should see this

Shadow: You to Knuckles and Sticks

Sticks, Knuckles and Amy: *Looks at the window and shock*

Amy: *Starts to cry* No...

Sticks: Who did this?!

Shadow: Eggman

Knuckles: Grrrr! That bastard I'm gonna kill him for destroying the village!

Tails: His gonna destroy the world to and rule over

Sticks: What should we do?

Shadow: Stop Eggman from taking over the world

Knuckles: Yeah. But how?

Shadow: I....don't know

Amy: *Wipes the tears* Tails got any ideas

Tails: No but I do know that Eggman is controlling Sonic

Knuckles: With what?

Tails: What you guys were fighting him I just saw that there was a collar around Sonic's neck and that is what Eggmab use to control Sonic

Amy: So if we destroy the collar from Sonic's neck he'll be back to normal?

Tails: I'm not so sure

Shadow: Well first we destroy the collar from Sonic's neck so that Eggman won't command him to attack us and then we can easily destroy all of Eggman's robots together and save the village

Knuckles: Good plan Shadow

Shadow: Heh. Thanks

Sticks: Okay let's do it but first let's take a break for a bit cause everything hurst. Ouch!

Amy: Hehehe. Okay Sticks, we'll rest for a bit and then we'll take down Eggman once and for all

Shadow, Tails, Knuckles and Sticks: *Nods*

Amy: *Nods back*

Everyone went to their bed to lay down and rest except for Tails since he was the only one who hasn't gotten hurt. Tails was just sitting on a chair and was looking out of the window again. He just hope that they can save the village and his best friend. 1 hour later Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Sticks and Shadow are getting ready to fight Dr. Eggman and his robots and save the village and save Sonic from his dark side. All of them were done getting ready and went out of Tails shack and go to the village to defeat Eggman. Tails looked down sadly. Shadow notice and went to Tails and put a hand on his shoulder.

Shadow: Don't worry Tails we'll defeat Eggman and save Sonic

Tails: *Nods* Yeah. You're right

Shadow: K. Let's go

Amy, Sticks, Tails and Knuckles: Right

Shadow, Amy, Tails, Sticks and Knuckles ran to the village and defeat Eggman once and for all. They arrived at the village saw that the village was completely destroyed. They just hope that its not to late to save it all. Orbot saw them and went to Eggman inform him that Shadow and the gang are here.

Orbot: Dr. Eggman sir

Eggman: What is it Orbot?

Orbot: Shadow and his friends are here

Eggman: Where are they? Lead me to them

Orbot: Yes boss

Orbot lead Eggman to Shadow and the gang with Sonic following him. Shadow and the gang are still looking around the village and trying to find Eggman.

Knuckles: Hey egghead where the hell are you!

Eggman: I'm right here you rodents

Amy: Eggman!

Shadow: Stop this now or else!

Eggman: Tch! You think I'm scared of you? Ha! You're wrong, Sonic attack them!

Sonic: Yes Dr. Eggman *says coldly and flies to them to attack*

Sonic flies to Shadow first and attack him. Shadow dodged every attack. Sonic was getting a bit irritated and flies again to punch him. Shadow stayed still and was wait for the right moment.

Shadow: Now knuckles!

Knuckles then grabbed Sonic and holds him still of Tails to break the collar. Tails went to Sonic and uses his tools to break the collar. The collar broke and Sonic was screaming. Knuckles tossed Sonic aside and was ready to fight Eggman. Eggman was angry that they broke the collar and that he can't control Sonic anymore.

Eggman: Grrrr! You pesky rodents, robots atrack!

Eggman called all his robots to attack Shadow and the gang. Shadow and the gang were ready to fight. The robots attacked them Shadow and the gang. Shadow and gang gang fought them all. Amy uses her hammer to smash them. Knuckles uses his fist to punch them. Sticks uses her boomerang to destroy all of the robots. Tails uses one of his invention to destroy every robot and Shadow spin dashed them since his chaos emerald has been corrupted and that he can't use it. All of them destroyed all of the robots together. Eggman was furious that he lost again. Shadow looked at Eggman and spin dashed him. Eggman got hit and his eggmobile broke and was now flying away. The 5 of them cheered that they've won. But if wasn't over. Sonic stood up but he wasn't back to his normal self that they thought he would. He was still in his dark form but his eyes were now pupil less. The 5 of them looked at Sonic shocked that he wasn't back to him self now.

Dark: Bwahahahahaha! Yes. I'm free I'm finally free and now I'll destroy you all!

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