Chapter 6

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             Rise of Sonic's darkside

Sonic has been tortured a lot yester- day. He had a lot of scars, bruises and cuts from his body. Sonic was full of pain and rage because of Eggman's tortures and lies that he told him about his friends. He was looking at his hands that has scars. He touched his scars and feels the pain whenever he touches it. He was full of rage that he wanted to get revenge. Sonic heard the door open and was really angry seeing Eggman.

Eggman: Good morning Sonic

Sonic: What do you want now Eggman?

Eggman: Just checking on you *smiles evily*

Sonic: Does it look like I'm okay?

Eggman: Hmmmm........kinda

Sonic: *Growls*

Eggman smiled widely with evil in his face. He grabbed a wipe and hit Sonic with it. Sonic screamed feeling the pain again. Eggmab stop wiping Sonic an smirked evily. Sonic was no panting from exhaustion. Sonic look up at Eggman and glared at him. Sonic was full of anger, rage and hatred on Eggman.

Eggman: Awwww. Is little hedge getting angry again

Sonic: Stop annoying me agghead

Eggman: Why not its fun to annoy you and get you mad

Sonic: *Growls*

Eggman: *Smiles evily*

Eggman was smiling seeing Sonic really angry. He began will now start his next step on his plan. Eggman left the room again and bring the chaos emerald. Sonic was really in pain and was more angry on Eggman. Eggman came back with the chaos emerald on his hands. He first place it down near Sonic and smirked evily.

Eggman: Do you know why I brought all the chaos emerald?

Sonic: So that you can use it to destroy the village and then the world

Eggman: Correct but I can't control it only you and Shadow can

Sonic: Then why capture me then Shadow, he knows how to use the chaos emerald more then me

Eggman: You have something that Shadow don't have

Sonic: An what's that?

Eggman: You'll see *smirks evily*

Sonic: *In Sonic's mind (What's Eggman up to now)*

Eggman: By the way where are your friends? You said they will save you but I don't see them maybe they-


Eggman: Are you sure. I have been waiting but I don't see them. Face it Sonic their not gonna save you


Eggman: I have to say that your really pathetic for a hero

Sonic: What?!

Eggman: You are so pathetic and useless to your friends. You really think that they care for you but THEY DON'T

Sonic: *Growls like a wild animal*

Eggman: You are to weak and pathetic for them to be friends with you and be their hero

Sonic: *Growls louder and clench his fist*

Eggman: Face it hedgehog your weak, pathetic, useless to them and a awful freind

Sonic was now full of rage and anger like never before. The chaos emerald were now turning black from all the negative energy that was coming from Sonic's anger. His blue fur was not turning to black. He stood up and looked at Eggman in the eyes. His green emerald eyes were now gone and his eyes were now pupil less. Sonic broke the chain with ease and charge at Eggman. Press a button and the collar from Sonic's neck was glowing red. Then suddenly Sonic stopped charging at Eggman.

Eggman: Guess my invention worked

Eggman smiled proudly that his invention worked. The collar on Sonic's neck was to control Sonic and will do what Eggman says to him. Sonic was now emotionless that Eggman was now controlling him but his eyes were now plain green emerald eyes.

Eggaman: Now will you help me destroy the village and then the  world?

Sonic: Yes Dr. Eggman *says coldly*

Eggman: Good

Eggman laughed manically that he successfully turn Sonic to his dark from and will help him by destroying the village first and then the world. Tails was now preparing his plane for tomorrow that they will save Sonic from Eggman. Shadow was now fully heal and will also help Tails and the others to save Sonic.

Shadow: Hey Tails

Tails: Yeah?

Shadow: Thanks for healing me

Tails: No problem Shadow, that what friends are for *smiles*

Shadow: Yeah

Knuckles: Wow. That was the first time that I ever saw being nice for once Shadow

Shadow: Don't get it in your head knucklehead

Knuckles: Hey!

Sticks: So we're gonna save tomorrow right?

Shadow: Yes

Amy: Let's just hope that Sonic is okay

Tails: Don't worry Amy, I know that Sonic will be okay

Sticks: Yeah

Amy: I just hope that we're not to late to save him

Tails: Yeah let's just hope so

Knuckles: Come on guys we better get some extra rest for us to save Sonic tomorrow

Amy: Yeah. Okay

Sticks: Well bye guys

Knuckles: Bye

Shadow: Bye

Amy: Bye guys.....

Tails: Don't worry Amy we'll save him. Okay?

Amy: Yeah. You're right

Tails: Bye Amy

Amy: Bye Tails

Amy, Tails, Sticks and Knuckles went back to their shack while Shadow went back to his cave. The gang were now resting up for them to save Sonic from Eggman tomorrow. Back to Eggman and Sonic. Eggman order to patch Sonic up for tomorrow. He was finished patching up and all he needs is too rest for Sonic to gain his energy again and ready to help eggman destroy and take over the world.

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