Blaze Hamilton

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Storming out the classroom was the last thing in Antonella's mind. She never expected to be the type of girl who will explode and do a dramatic scene in front of the whole class, never less raise her voice. She knew she was at her breaking point, between the fights, the comparisons, and the arguments between the three and let's not forget the constant flirting between Rowena and Drake.

She is a ticking bomb and just when they least expect it she will explode, and there will be no turning back. Antonella walked towards her car, head held high, anger running through her veins and a party to plan in her head, she walked the long wide corridors of her campus, avoiding every single person that tried to talk to her. Backpack on one shoulder, black sunglasses covering her eyes, a bottle of water in one hand and iPhone in her other hand, she continued browsing through her feed and answering Hayden's texts, never once bothering to look up from her phone.

She continued walking towards her car, frowning every time Hayden answered her texts, not even caring that she slammed against people or almost tripped down the stairs, that was until she slammed against a hard wall, her bottle of water splashing against her and the concrete wall, iPhone falling to the floor and nose crashing against that very same surface.

"Mother of God!!" Antonella touched her nose, pain coursing throw her veins, she could feel her nose throbbing, tears were coming out of her eyes as the pain took over her.

 "I am so sorry!" A voice or as she thought was a wall, interrupted Antonella's thoughts, he sounded worried and nervous. As if Antonella had plans to kill him right there. 

Which of course that wasn't true, not at all!! Not one bit! Groaning and cursing she knelt down, gathering all of her notebooks and bag essentials as fast as possible, strands of her hair covering her face as she picked her stuff up. Not bothering to look up she stood up from her place and walked out of the scene as fast as possible. 

Thunder crashed, shaking the doors next to her as she walked down the dark hallways. Not a single soul around her, just her alone, rushing to the exit before the rain started. Not wanting to get wet, even more than she already is thanks to the guy who crashed against her, she walked faster as the crystal exit doors appeared in front of her. Just as she touched the door handle a hand landed on her shoulder, gasping she turned to look behind her. There behind her stood a tall slim guy with brown hair and honey-brown eyes. 

"Fuck! You scared the shit out of me!" Leaning against the closed door Antonella placed her hand on her beating chest. Heart pounding hard as she took deep breaths trying to calm down. 

Lightning struck, illuminating her and the guy in front of her. All of the lights were out as the storm started, not a single classroom or hallway seemed to be illuminated. Grey clouds covered the sky completely.

 "Didn't mean to scare you" He chuckled "I've been trying to talk to you but you fled the moment you picked your stuff up, I am Blaze by the way" threading his fingers through his hair he observed Antonella's movements.

"What do you mea-" She frowned, hands falling down to her sides, eyes opened wide as she took in every detail of the guy standing in front of her "Wait! You were the one I crashed into!?"She freaked out, hand covering her face as she remembered walking and texting through the hallways. 

"Oh god, I am so so sorry I clearly got distracted by my phone, and I never bothered to look up!"

Antonella pinched her nose, regretting that action, she hissed. If she could choose a horrible day, today would be the day, there is no doubt. She just wanted to bury herself inside her bed or the movie room, put some ice on her nose, eat pumpkin cheesecake ice cream and watch horror movies.

 "Hey, don't worry about it! It's fine!" He chuckled, nervously running his hand around his neck "Besides I hurt your nose and knocked all of your stuff to the ground, and I am extremely sorry, I wasn't looking either." 

"Well, we are even then! Now, what do you need because I want to get out of here as soon as possible before it starts to rai-" The sound of thunder interrupted Antonella, 

"Great! Just what I wanted to avoid!" She leaned her forehead on the window, pressing her nose against it as she watched the raindrops fall. 

Lightning lit the skies in brilliant streaks, the sound of thunder rolled through the hallways, once again shaking the doors and windows. Antonella groaned this is definitely not her day at all. Kneeling down she opened her backpack, pouring all of her contents on the floor she searched for her umbrella 

"Fuck! today is not my day at all!" Running her fingers through her red hair she sighed, she only had one option and that meant to run to her car without an umbrella. 

" I don't think running to your car will be a great idea, from the look on your face I can see that you are thinking about doing just that!" Blaze chuckled "My car is near and I have an umbrella if you want I can take you to your car"

 "I don't want to bother you, Blaze, besides you don't even know my name or know me at all, I could be a murderer for all you know!" Antonella stood up, shrugging she smirked at Blaze as his eyes widened. 

"I am going to pretend that you didn't say that" Shaking his head he took Antonella's backpack from her shoulder "The least I could do after knocking all of your stuff down is give you a ride and save you from the rain"

"You are saving me from a horrible cold and days of staying in bed surrounded by tissues and medicine!"

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