Chapter 2

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     (Annie's POV)

Jayden: So how were you guys over the summer?
Annie Writes: Not good...
Armani: I was great!

He had a big smile on his face which made Jayden smile. I just sat there thinking about what happened over the summer..


Billy is my dad... And Im Annie.. As you already know...

Billy: Julianna!! Get down here! Now!

I quickly ran downstairs.

Billy: Clean this up now!

I started cleaning it up when i felt glass break on my back. I screamed in pain.

Billy: HURRY UP!

I quickly nodded and cleaned up faster. I was trying to ignore the pain.
I ran upstairs when I was done and cleaned myself up. This day happened everyday...

(End of Flashback)

Asher: Annie! Annie!

I snapped out of the flashback. And I wrote.

Annie writes: Sorry!
Jayden: Annie what happened..?

Jayden and Armani know about my abusive father. They help me though it. They have been my friends since 7th grade. Now were in sophomore year. And it's all still the same..

Asher: So, Jules, are you ok?
Annie writes: Dont call me that.
Asher: Ok.. Why..?
Annie writes: I just dont like it.

Jayden and Armani gave me a look of sympathy. The real reason that I dont like being called Jules, is because Caleb, he used to call me that before he died.. And now this cute dimply guy- Asher. He wants to call me Jules? No thank you.

Jayden: Answer my question.
Armani: What happened?
Annie writes: I will tell you guys another time.
Asher: So... Why don't you talk?

Tears threatened my eyes. Jayden and Armani looked at Asher with a "Dont ask her" look.

Asher: Uh.. S-sorry...
Annie writes: Its ok. Everybody asks me.
Jayden: Well me and Armani are going to our elective. See you guys at lunch?
Asher: Sure.
Annie writes: Ok. Im going to elective too.

I don't have elective with anybody that I am friends with. I walk alone to that elective. Then I go back to music class. I was walking down the hallway when I got pinned to a locker.

Hayden: Hey! How ya doing...? Just kidding. I don't care.

He punched me in the stomach and let go of me. He started walking away. I clenched my fist in my stomach and started walking to elective again.

(Time skip to lunch)

I was walking into the lunch room with a tray of food that I wont even eat. I heard somebody yell to me.

Nadia: Hey mute!

She started chanting mute. Everybody else in the cafeteria joined in except for Jayden, Armani, and Asher. They looked at me with "sorry" looks on their faces. There was a few other people that didn't chant "mute". By the way. Mute is me. Im mute, the silenced, girl. I dropped my tray and ran into an empty hallway. I slid down my locker and cried.

Thats it.
488 words.
DerpyThePotato is out.

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