Chapter 14

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"I love the way you love me, but I feel like I don't deserve it"-Lisa Cimorelli, "I don't deserve it"

(Anna's POV)
I wasn't about to let Annie do this to herself! I mean, i know she already does it but i want to help her through this. She needs weight and we all know that.

Anna: Eat it Annie.
Annie: Im not hungry...
Anna: I know you're hungry.
Annie: Im not. How w-would you know?
Anna: I-I just know. You can't do this to yourself.
Annie: Why not?! Nobody c-cares.
Anna: I care. I know you're starving yourself.
Annie: But how do you know?! H-how can you see right through the silenced girl?! Am i not a freak to y-you?

She was now whisper-yelling.

Anna: Annie you gave me a chance. I tend to take it. I want you to eat. Its a normal plate for your average person. I know it looks like a lot to you. Just-

Annie: Ok... i will.. don't tell anyone, please.

I sighed.

Anna: Ok..

By now everybody was done eating, and it was just Annie and I. She picked at her food, then looked at me. I raised my eyebrows. She looked back at her food, sighed, and started eating it. I started eating too. I think i need to tell her why, why i want to help her..

Anna: Do you want to know?

She looked at me with confusion.

Annie: Know what?

She took another bite of her pasta. I sighed.

Anna: Do you want to know, why i want to help you?

She looked up at me.

Annie: Y-yea.. if thats fine with y-ou.

I started to tell her the story.

I was in 10th, a sophomore, but, I wasn't popular. I had about two friends. Who ended up leaving me by the way. But that was in like senior year. Anywho, i was walking down the hallway to my 3rd period. Suddenly, i was pushed into the lockers and pinned. My arms started to hurt with the grip she had on my wrists. I didn't know her name.

?: My name is Indiana. Massarra.

Then a light bulb went off. The popular girl. Let me introduce you. Indiana Massarra. The school's popular kid. She had all the boys, friends, who were probably fake, and fame. So many people wanted that, but I didn't. I didn't feel like I wanted to be crowded everyday as soon as i walk onto the school campus. Well anyway-

Indiana: Listen up. I know you have never had a problem with me but, now you do.

She punched me in the stomach causing me to groan in pain.

Indiana: You're a little kid, who doesn't even know what she's doing. Hell, your family's probably ashamed of you.

I shake my head. No.. she's lying.. right? By now there was a crowd surrounding us. She got closer to my face and looked me in the eyes.

Indiana: Nobody loves you, you're just a fat, little girl, who is blind towards everything.

She grabbed my glasses off of my face.

Indi: See these? You need them. It proves you're blind.

She threw them on the ground causing the lens to crack but not break. I let out a sigh of relief.

Indi: Now, let's hope we don't run into each other again.

She smirked evilly, slammed me against the lockers again, and walked away. I stood there in shock. I snapped out of my thoughts when everyone that was staring at me started chanting and calling me names. Names like 'fat', and 'blind'. I grabbed my glasses from the floor, put them on, picked up all my supplies, and started walking to class again. Even though i was late I didn't care. I walked in and sat down right away not caring if the teacher asked me anything.

(End of flashback)

Annie now had a tear rolling down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away.

Annie: W-wow... i-im so sorry..
Anna: No it's fine... as you can see.. i got help, because when she told me that i started to starve myself but then my parents found out and started helping me. They let me do online school and helped me go back to a normal weight. And now, im going to help you, you are not healthy right now.

Annie: O-ok... i will work with you and i will try.
Anna: Thank you..

What'd you guys think?
Do you think Annie is going to cooperate?
Or not?
Is Anna really okay right now?
Let me knowww.
Stay safe💞

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