Chapter 15

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"I promise that you'll never find another like me"-Taylor Swift, ft. Brendon Urine, "Me"

(Annie POV)
I couldn't believe what Anna just told me. She really trusts me. If i was her I would have never told anyone. I went to the same school as her. Indiana was mainly focused on me, which is why she didn't bully anyone else. But then she found Anna.

Annie: I- are you really ok?
Anna: Yea im fine. Looks like it just made me stronger.

She had a smile on her face. It was real. I let out a sigh of relief.

Anna: Let me guess, you thought i was still struggling?
Annie: know, Indi-

Then Asher walked into the kitchen.

Asher: Hey girls, we're going to watch a movie. Wanna come?

Anna: Sure!
Annie: Im kind of tired.. i think i-ima take a nap.
Anna: Ok!
Asher: I'll help you upstairs.
Annie: I can make it upstairs you know?

I playfully rolled my eyes.

Asher: You can never be too careful.

He shrugged his shoulders.

Annie: Fine.

He picked me up bridal style and took me upstairs. He set me down on the bed and sat next to me. We stared at each other in a comfortable silence. Oh, those green eyes, those dimples. I will never get tired of those. He looked at my lips. Wait- what?

Asher: Uh- I wanna tell you something..

I nod my head.

Annie: Shoot.
Asher: So, my family... isn't the best. My dad he uh... he died when i was 9 i think. My mom tried dealing with it by just cooking everyday, going out a lot. My younger siblings were still young so they didn't really understand... but then they got older. Avi, went through depression, he is now 16..

(Asher is in his early 20's)

Asher: I helped him through it. But now it's London, she just won't open up to anybody. Not even me. Not Avi. Not her closest friends. Now my mom is fine, she still grieves but she is doing better. London won't even talk to our mom. She was about 2 when it all started going downhill.. she is 14 now.

Annie: Wow.. i-im so sorry.. you should try telling her how much your care, telling her that she can tell you anything really can help. That's what got me through everything... maybe it can help her.

Asher nodded his head. He started glancing from my eyes to my lips. He slowly started leaning in. I leaned in as well...

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What a cliffhanger 😂🤷‍♀️
It is what it is.
If you're going through depression feel free to talk to me. I am always here. Even though you can't really see me. You can talk to me.
Stay safe💞

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