Chapter 16

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"As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you"-Billie Eilish,"Everything I wanted"

(Jayden's POV)
I can tell Asher like Annie. Im just not sure if Annie does too. I saw them go upstairs about 20 minutes ago. We were going to watch a movie that I knew Annie loved and Asher wanted to watch it. So now, im going upstairs to tell them.

(Annie's POV)
Our lips were about to meet when suddenly, Jayden burst in.

Jayden: Oh- I- if im interrupting something I can just leave and you can carry on.

Asher: No its-

He glanced over at me.

Asher: Its fine, we were just talking.
Jayden: Oh ok. Well i just wanted to say that we're going to watch one of Annie's favorite movies. And i came to see if you guys want to watch it?

Asher: Yea we're going.

We stood up and i cleared my throat. Were we really about to kiss. My thoughts were interrupted by Jayden.

Jayden: Ann's? You coming?
Annie: Huh? Oh uh- yea
Jayden: You ok?
Annie: Yea, why wouldn't i be?
Jayden: Ok then...

We walked downstairs and I sat in between Jayden and Asher. Jayden started cuddling with Armani. Johnny's arm was around Kenzie's shoulder. They were still watching the movie. Asher put his arm around me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. Then, my phone rang. It was the prison. Why were they calling me. I answered.

Annie: Hello?
Officer: Hello? Is this Julianna Grace Leblanc?
Annie: Uh, yea thats me.
Officer: Well your father wants to talk to you.
Annie: Well I don't.

I stood up and walked into the kitchen. Asher behind me.

Officer: Ma'am, we need to give him the phone either way. I'm sorry.
Annie: Ok.

I heard the phone being passed.

Billy: Hey worthless kid.

I didn't say anything. Everything started flooding back. Memories, pain, my family.

Billy: Answer me!

He screamed.

Annie: What...?
Billy: So she speaks..
Annie: What do you want?!
Billy: Oh nothing I just wanted to call you and tell you that you're worthless.

I let out a bitter chuckle.

Annie: Alright, cool. I know that i am. Happy?

I hung up on the phone and walked straight past Asher. I went to the couch and sat down. Tears were welling up in my eyes but I blinked them away. I can't cry, not now.

400 words:)
Das it. Next chapter is soon.
Stay safe💞

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