Chapter 23

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"With your love nobody can drag me down."-One Direction

(Annie's POV)

Crap. Asher's here.

Asher: No.. why did you do this?

I shook my head.

Asher: You can talk to me.

I looked away from him and kept cleaning my wrists. He ended up helping me and we walked out of the bathroom.

Asher: Annie, i know you think you're a freak or something... but you're not.

Asher hugged me. I hugged back.

Annie: Thank you...

I mumbled.

Asher: Let's go downstairs yea?

I nod my head. We walk downstairs and everyone stairs at me.

Asher: She doesn't want to talk about it.

They all nod their heads. I noticed Asher said that with a hint of sadness in his voice. Great, I feel bad now. I might as well tell them all.

Annie: Actually i do want to talk.

All heads turned to me.

Annie: I have these voices in my head. They give me reasons to cut, and then they praise me when i do cut.

Jayden: What are those reasons?

Annie: Fat, ugly, worthless, a freak, more stuff like that.

I felt my heart start racing. They're going to leave me. Why did I tell them that? I mentally face palmed myself before realizing my breathing had become unstable.

Asher: Hey, hey look at me. You're ok. You'll be fine.

I nod my head.

Asher: Copy my breathing.

He breathed in slowly and then exhaled. I did the same and soon my breathing had become stable. What would I do without him?!

Ok guys.
This probably isn't the ending you wanted but, its the end. I have a different book if you want to check that out.
Anyways thanks for sticking with me throughout this story and yea.
Stay safe💞

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