Chapter 22

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"Magic, madness, heaven, sin"-Taylor Swift

(Asher's POV)
Will, Anna, and I were just talking when we heard Annie screaming. She yelled stop. I bolted up.

Asher: Uh... was that Ann's?
Will: I'm pretty sure

I bolted to where I heard the screaming. I realized that it came from the restroom. I knocked on the door.

Asher: Ann's?

She didn't respond. I tried opening the door but it was locked.

Asher: Ann's open the door.

I said calmly.

(Annie's POV)
I felt the need to open the door. But I didn't. I started clawing at my skin.

Do it
You know it helps
You have to
It's the only thing that works

I sighed. I opened the drawer and got a razor.


One for being ugly
One for being fat
One for being worthless
One for being a waste of time
One for not being good enough

Oh and,

One for being a freak

Nicely done.

The voices praised me.

You see? It worked
Stress reliever
Mind blown
Clean up and get out

I got toilet paper and started cleaning up my cuts. I didn't realize that Asher had still been shaking the door trying to open it. He soon opened it. Shoot.

(Asher's POV)
(Few minutes before)
I kept shaking the door. Why won't it just open?!

Asher: Annie please!

No response. I kept on trying and trying but soon, gave up. I leaned on the door and slid down. Sitting on the floor, i put my hand through the little space in between the door and the floor. I felt my fingertips touch a liquid. I quickly pulled my hand back and saw a dark red on my fingertips. No... no, no, no, no... She didn't... she's fine...

I immediately got up and started kicking and shaking the door. It soon opened. I saw Annie cleaning her wrists. She looked up at me in fear.

Well dammmm
Uh ok
Im writing a new book, also this book is coming to an end. Just a few more chapters. Sorry if its too short for you guys but, I made the mistake before of trying to keep up with two books but it didn't work. 💀
So now im writing a different book, I haven't published anything yet, but soon!
Stay safe💞

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