Chapter 6

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"If 'I love you' was a promise"

(Ashers POV)

Asher: Annie? Annie!
Jayden: Ann's wake up...

I picked her up bridal style and Jayden looked at me so i mouthed 'Whatever'. I started walking to the nurse's office but then

Jayden: We-
Armani: Jayden we can't say anything..
Asher: Say what?
Jayden: Nothing! Lets go...

We got to the nurse's office and put her down.

Nurse: What happened?!
Asher: Some kids were bullying her...
Nurse: Oh.. Thank you for bringing her... But.. Do you know who it was?

Jayden: It was-
Asher: We don't... Know..
Nurse: Oh Ok..

The nurse asked us to wait outside.

(Annie's POV)

I started waking up and felt my self being weighed. I looked around and realized where I was... The nurse.. Why would they take me here?!

Nurse: Oh your awake... Well.. You weigh 68.3 lbs (pounds) so you need to eat.

I shook my head showing I wasn't hungry.

Nurse: Can you speak for me?

I didn't say anything.

Nurse: Ok, well here.

She handed me a plate of mac and cheese. I just put it on the side and didn't eat. Then I realized that she had rolled my sleeves up...

Nurse: One more thing before I tell your friends everything...

I nodded.

Nurse: Are you... Suicidal?

She said pointing at my wrists. I pulled them down. I then didn't respond to her.

Nurse: Hello?!

I nodded slowly.. Indicating that i indeed was suicidal... She then called Jayden and the boys.

Jayden: Is she gonna be ok?
Nurse: She weighs 68.3 lbs (pounds) so she needs to eat... Also.. Can you pull your sleeves up?

I shook my head no, pleading her to not say anything. Jayden then pulled up my sleeves without warning and I winced in pain. I still had fresh cuts from this morning.. Or yesterday? I don't remember...

Nurse: She's... Suicidal...
Jayden: I know! Shut up!
Armani: Why more..?

Thats when I snapped. I spoke.

Annie: Why do you think?! I have the worst life! Why would you even ask that stupid question?! Do you even know what happened this morning...or yesterday.. It doesn't matter! You have no idea what happens to me! Only Jayden does!

Armani: I-

I ran out of the room and went to the bathroom,locked myself in a stall.

(Jayden's POV)

Jayden: Shut up!

And I ran after Annie...

How did you like Annie snapping like that?!
Like 400 words.
DerpyThePotato is out.

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