𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 13

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A day after the hike, Carter and Amelia went with Wyatt and Luke to meet with Landon Reid of Land Corps back in town at the café.

"I can't wait to tell him that the deal's off right in his face."

"You're really excited for someone who was ready to sell the ranch a few days ago."

"Hey, don't bug him, we can't have him changin' his mind at the last minute."

Victor walked over as he served them a round of coffee.

"Thanks, Victor, this coffee's delicious!"

"Beans are freshly roasted here in Arizona, enjoy!"

"I just wish Dad could be here."

"You heard his doctor, he's stable now and he needs all the rest he can possibly get."

"So, what's your plan with this Landon guy?"

"I say we crush his self-esteem starting with that stupid suit of his and then his hair which looks like he used way too much hair gel and what kind of name is Landon anyway?"

"Technically, it's my great-grandfather's name and good afternoon, everyone."

Amelia stiffened as Landon walked and pulled up a chair at their table.

"Hello, Landon."

"I thought about how we can all walk to the bank together and sign the paperwork!"

"No need to."

"Come again?"

"We're not signing anything so no need to."

Just then, the smile drained off Landon's face.

"There was a verbal agreement."

"There was nothing, I expressed some interest but I changed my mind."

"All of you'll be sorry and some day soon, you'll realized you gave up your one best chance to get away from this hell hole."

"This isn't a hell hole."

"And we don't want to get away."

"Are you really willing to pass up all this money because I heard that your father is having some health problems recently."

"Landon, just shut up."

"This isn't the end, you have no idea what you just started."

"Go to hell, Landon."

Landon turned on his heel and stormed away as he held his briefcase tightly. As soon as the door closed behind him, Wyatt turned to their group with a grin.

"This calls for a celebration drink!"

"Heck yeah!"

"I got some errands to do, but I'll meet y'all there afterwards."

"Sounds good."

As the four of them left the café, Luke enthusiastically led their group out onto the street while Wyatt grabbed Amelia's hand to slow her down.

"What do you say that we have a private celebration, just the two of us?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"I was thinkin' I could show you this pond just outside of town which it's beautiful there and perfect for some fishin'."

"What about the others?"

"We'll meet up with them after, if you're in."

"Wyatt, I can't say 'no' to an offer like that and besides, Luke looks like he won't miss us."

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