Title: "Raditz?! Friend or Foe?!"
The entire crew had grown to insane power, but (Y/n) was on top by a long shot.
Goku had to stay generally weak in order to preserve the power of the Androids, but then Raditz appeared.
(Y/n) knew that Goku must meet King Kai in order to get the Kaioken and Spirit Bomb, but then remembered that he was the main character.
"I don't need to follow anything....I'll recruit Raditz into being a good guy!"
Oh yeah, and then there was Bulma.
Bulma looked at lot more........full.Fuller is the way (Y/n) would describe her assets.
Bulma was also much more seductive and seemed to like (Y/n), like him so much that she wanted to marry him, but because of Kaiser she couldn't.
Unfinished Stories!
أدب الهواةThese stories are generally unedited, and will end abruptly, but this is for those who still want to see the story, regardless of whether it's finished or not. Also, just as a warning, these are certainly not up to the quality of my current stories...