BNHA Gamer!

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Title: "Game Start!"


(Y/n) sat bored in his class.

English,with a teacher that he didn't care for enough to learn their name.
His mind drifted off one of his current animes that he was watching.

It was named My Hero Academia.

As he was about to start focusing again,a sigh escaped his mouth.

(Y/n):"It would be really cool to be in that world,even if people like Toga are scary as hell."

He rubbed his eyes and looked at his friend,only to see something that made his heart race.

[(Y/n) (L/n),You have been chosen to get the ability of "The Gamer."Will you take this?]

(Y/n) touched the blue message,not on its choice but he moved it to the side.

Feeling it under his fingers was very jarring.

He moved it and saw that no one was paying attention to him.

He moved it back in front of him,feeling the marble like material.

(Y/n):"Who was I chosen by?"

The message was covered by another one.

[You have been chosen by Gaia,the Goddess of Earth,to have this ability.]

(Y/n):"Who is making these messages?"

[I'm surprised that you put that together.I am Gaia,I will sometimes be able to contact you directly.]

(Y/n) took another quick glance around,starting to get antsy.

He bit his nails down some more,lower than they already were,even when they were bitten low before.

(Y/n):"What will happen to me if I get this power?"

[You will be delivered to anywhere that is not this Earth.]

(Y/n) deleted some of the earlier messages,by swiping down,because they were starting to overwhelm him.

(Y/n) gave a quick thought and then looked around.

(Y/n) looked at the original message and without a lick of doubt he pressed the yes.

[These will be your starting stats.]

[Name:(Y/n) (L/n)]
[Occupation:The Gamer]
[Alignment: Good 20% Bad 70%]
[Level:Lv 5]

(Y/n):"Why am I evil?!"

[I do not know,all I know is that you will be put into the world 6 months before Izuku Midoriya meets All Might.]

[Are you ready to enter?]

(Y/n) took another look at his stats.

(Y/n):"Why is my Wisdom higher than my other stats?"

[These stats all reflect you in real life.]

(Y/n) let out a sigh, took his phone and gum out of his pockets, took a piece of the gum,and pressed yes.

(Y/n) felt a soft hug on his back and he was confused for a moment.

In a blink of an eye he was standing in an alleyway.

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