G.O.H. #5!

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Title: None


(Y/n) looked around and looked back at the green haired man with confusion.

(Y/n):"Um I'm (Y/n).Where are we,exactly?"

Hazama:"We're in a place that you would call the Taoist world."

(Y/n):"I see...."

Hazama:"But because If I leave you out of the loop the readers will be angry,so your friends are currently fighting a fake king that's trying to imitate the monkey king,oh and the stabbed just got hurt."

(Y/n):"Oh Where are they?!"

Hazama:"It's cool.I can just bring you there."

(Y/n):"What do you mean-!"

(Y/n) was interrupted as Hazama grabbed his shoulder and teleported them both.

Hazama:"Sorry about that."

???:"Pacho,Show yourself."

A huge cow lady swung a guitar looking weapon while a guy that was wearing clothes with the Nox symbol launched a spear at the cow lady.

(Y/n) and Hazama appeared in the middle of the attack and right before it hit them,a huge explosion occurred.

The tower that the crew was in split in half from the top down.

The cow lady,who's name was Uma,looked at Hazama and (Y/n) in shock.

Uma:"Awoo,Is that you?"

(Y/n) got up before Hazama did.

(Y/n):"I have no idea what an "Awoo" is,sorry."

Hazama got up and looked at the scene.

Hazama:"Somebody is pissed....."

Queen Uma was sucked into the Gourd bottle,an item that the original Mori had,and the stabby guy was too.

In what felt like an instant,Pandora's box was opened.
That's not an metaphor.
Literally Pandora's box was opened because it was a borrowed power.

(Y/n) didn't understand why but the woman who did this was familiar to him.

He was going to go to defend his allied but he was being pulled back.

He turned back to see a sheath to a sword pulling him inside.

Hazama tried to grab him but couldn't.

(Y/n) fell out of the sky and landed in between the two factions of evil and good.

(Y/n):"Jeezums I'm so sick of falling!"

(Y/n) got up and his hair was white and long,like earlier in his transformation.

This time,he had a full sword and his sheath was on his back.

(Y/n) looked back and saw Mori in some cool looking clothing.

(Y/n):"Mori,Are we about to go ham?"

Mori let out a very small smile and nodded.

(Y/n):"Amateratsu,give me my unit."

Hazama came up and stood next to (Y/n).

Hazama:"I see you've gained you're power back,(Y/n)."

A white armor started to form around (Y/n) starting with his mask.

"That's Hakumen?"

"I thought he was a myth..."

"It's been said that him and our king are rivals...."

(Y/n) stood by Mori and as if they aligned it,(Y/n) lightly slung his sword and Mori made Yeoui expand.

They took out 99% of the enemies in one easy attack.

Mori fought the main guy while,because of pride,(Y/n) just protected the people fighting the remaining angels and nephalim.

The battle was extremely boring if (Y/n) had to be honest.

Even though Hazama seemed to just disappear as soon as (Y/n) unlocked his "Hakumen" form.

(Y/n) was just boredly walking around until the girl with Pandora's box stood in front of him.

???:"Who are you,Hakumen?"

(Y/n):"I'm not this "Hakumen," I'm just (Y/n) (L/n)."

There was a moment of silence then the woman teared up.

Sujin:"It's me,Sujin Lee....."

They had a nice moment where two people who promised something long ago finally met up again.

(Y/n):"You can't stay can you?"

Sujin:"I'm sorry....But I can't."

A little while later and Mori tried to send everybody back to the Earth in his Gourd bottle but (Y/n) countered it for himself by using his sheath to protect himself.

Mori and Sujin had one last battle where it was got their lives that (Y/n) just watched through.

He couldn't do anything to stop them so he had to bite his tongue and make sure that neither of them died without the battle ending.

At the end of their battle Mori sent Sujin back to the Earth while the planet exploded.

(Y/n) grabbed onto the falling Mori and sat down next to him as he watched the world around him explode.

Mori:"Heh,Thanks (Y/n)."

(Y/n):"It's no problem Mori,You're my brother so I gotta stat with you til death.But trust me,We ain't dying here."
(Y/n) was drifting......

An angelic voice came out of the nothingness filled void and spoke to (Y/n).

Mother?:"My son....You will be able to use my power...Enjoy it,I would love to meet you my son.My name is Gaia,I give you the power of the fallen and of the truly holy."

(Y/n):"My mother? Thanks...Mom......."
(Y/n) took his first breath in what felt like an eternity.
His heart was beating sporadically,like he was just holding his breath before.

(Y/n) was gasping for air,he fell to his knees and grasped his beating chest.

He looked around to see utter chaos.

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