(O) UnOrdinary #2!

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Title: None


I just wanted to say before this starts,I enjoy comments much more than votes,especially because there isn't a whole lot of people reading this story as is.
(Y/n) woke up to see John making some breakfast.
He quickly got up and started helping John.
They had a nice bro-like conversation and ate.

The two's relationship was quite wonderful in such a short amount of time.

The day went by normally until John and (Y/n) had two different places to go.

(Y/n):"I'll see you a little later!"

John:"Yeah,I'll talk you later!"

The two went their separate ways.

Not even 4 minutes later and a blonde guy walked past (Y/n).

He tried to trip (Y/n) but (Y/n) ran a simulation that prepared him for the situation.

(Y/n) didn't even look back as the Blonde guy talked to his Blue Haired friend.

Blonde:"What would you do if you were a new kid?"

Blue:"I would make sure I know who the king is,Why Arlo?"

Arlo:"Because He just acted as if he didnt care...not at all...."

Arlo turned directions and started to follow behind you.

There was nothing strange until there was the Magenta haired goddess came up to you.

Goddess:"Come with me."

Whispers started to spread like wildfire as soon as she started talking to you.

"Who is he?"

"I think he's the new kid?"

"Why would Seraphina be talking to him?"

"I heard he lied about having an elemental ability because he was scared."

"What a pansy."

"I wonder what kind of juice he drinks......."

You eventually just zoned out the comments because they were nothing you hadn't heard of before.

You walked with the Magenta haired goddess that you now know as Seraphina,to a place that seemed like a training ground of sorts.

Not even within a second,you felt like something was going to go extremely wrong.

You analysed the situation but the worst possibility that came to mind was that she decided to attack you for some reason.

You felt like every single cell in your body was telling you to be on guard.

(Y/n):"So what did we come out here-"

(Y/n) was going to ask what he and Seraphina came out here for but he was interrupted by an intense amount of force that was applied to his face in an instant.

(Y/n) looked up from the dirt that he was in to see Seraphina's right leg where his head used to be.

She seemed formal to (Y/n) at first but when he looked into her eyes all he saw was pure determination and disgust.

Seraphina:"Get up."

(Y/n) had to think how this situation happened.

(Y/n):She seems like she orchestrated this and-

(Y/n) was knocked out of his ideas by a heavy kick to his left side as he was trying to get up.

(Y/n) coughed hardly and looked up at Seraphina.

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