Title: "Kamoshida comes crashing down!"
4/19 Tuesday
13 Days to Steal Kamoshida's Heart!
After (Y/n) awakened his Persona,the group had to take a few days to regroup and get more items.
(Y/n) got up,got his uniforn on and got ready for class.
(Y/n) couldn't focus in class,He kept hearing a voice in his head speaking to him.
After school,He heard it even more.
Not even like him being crazy like normally,it was a completely separate voice."Hey! Kid! Listen to me!"
The deep annoyed voice yelled out for attention once more."I think I'm going insane."
(Y/n) massaged his forehead as he say by Ann,it wasn't his desk but this abnormal action grabbed Ann's attention."Hey (Y/n)!"
Ann's happy aura brought a small smile to (Y/n)'s dreary face.(Y/n) rubbed under his eyes,the soft skin signifying his bags of tiredness.
"Are you hearing a voice?"
(Y/n) confessed as he pointed to his head.Ann awkwardly declined with a "Um,No.Are you?"
Ann seemed to be genuinely concerned with (Y/n)."Hey you Bastard! You think I'm just another random voice?!?!!"
The voice howled in anger against the teen."Um,Nah.I was just uh...thinking about uh....nothing important."
(Y/n) quickly got up,grabbed his bag,lugged it over his right shoulder,and after saying a goodbye to Ann he made his way out of the classroom.
"I like her,She seems neat."
(Y/n) started to text Akira.
Hey,I'm hearing a voice in my head so imma go to that Doctor's,text me back if you guys are gonna go to the palace,aight?Akira
Alright,I'll text you,if we go.-----------------------------------------------------------
(Y/n) made his way back to the Clinic and stepped in to see a beautiful woman sitting behind the front desk.
The voice was gladly quiet on the walk to the Clinic.
"Is this your first visit?"
The woman seemed kind on (Y/n)'s first glance."Hmm..Well Whatever..."
The doctor had a very beautiful voice but it sounded quite tired."So,what are you here for today?"
"You will not say that you hear a voice in your head! That'll make us look like an idiot!"
"I have a chronic disease."
The voice busted out laughing at the spontaneous lie.
"...Fine.Please head yo the exam room."
After going into the exam room and answering a few moderate questions.....
Unfinished Stories!
FanfictionThese stories are generally unedited, and will end abruptly, but this is for those who still want to see the story, regardless of whether it's finished or not. Also, just as a warning, these are certainly not up to the quality of my current stories...