Chapter 1

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Princess Yona was like a rose.

Her shining hair radiated with the vibrancy of its rich red colour, her skin as soft and uncallused as a rose's petals, clothing that shone and complimented the warmth of the princess, and thorns that pricked any servant who ran into her when she was having one of her tantrums.

On this fine day, where the sky was a pure blue without a trace of clouds, a warm breeze tickling the blades of grass and the leaves of trees, princess Yona was once again causing havoc. Her beloved cousin was destined to arrive that very day and the castle's treasured princess could not stop beaming. Her cheeks were painted a rosy pink all morning as she dashed back and forth, fumbling between the wide variety of outfits at her disposal. Each was made of fine silk, all without a single stain or smudge, and all a beautiful pink colour.

Azumi sighed quietly, watching the young teen bounce from wall to wall, fretting over minuscule details that would be forgotten in the next hour.

"Princess, you must be leaving. The ceremony has probably-" Azumi spoke up, only to be cut off by an outer jacket fall across her already filled arms, the clothing stacked so high it now blocked her view of the crimson-haired princess. A harrumph escaped Azumi's lips as she lifted her chin towards the roof and glancing towards Min-soo in desperation, her arms numb from holding the large pile of clothing since the unreasonable hour Yona arose that very morning.

"Azumi is correct, princess Yona. We must head to the ceremony" Min-soo smiled kindly, taking half of Azumi's pile and handing it to the other maids in the room to fold. Azumi let out a sigh as she let her head rest once again and watched the princess pout, the young princess displeased with the progress she had made in finding the perfect outfit.

"No! This doesn't look right!" Yona dismissed, her focus already shifting back to her wardrobe, in which she hurriedly scanned her options once again. Before Azumi could respond, the door slid open to the reveal of the emperor of Kouka, King Il. While the servants in the room all bowed, Yona turned around and gasped at the sight of her father, a frown dawning upon her face.

"Father! Did I miss it?" Yona asked, her eyebrows furrowing in guilt. However, this shame was easily dismissed by one of King Il's kind smiles, his eyes gleaming with an abundance of love for his only daughter.

"It's all right, it was merely a formality" The king comforted, clasping his hands before him and observing as his daughter's expression morphed from guilt to irritation. The princess's pout returned as her mind moved onto the next topic, her naive mind not dwelling on the negatives.

"Father, what do you think of my hair?" Yona asked abruptly; However, somehow the king was not surprised as this was a daily topic in Kouka's castle. The king merely smiled, his head cocking to the side as he gazed upon his only daughter with a warm gaze.

"Your hair? It's beautiful! More beautiful than any jewel-" King Il began, only to be interrupted by a smug harrumph from the princess as she pulled a strand of curls with her delicate fingers. Turning so that her father could get a good view of her hair, Yona glanced over her shoulder to pull a cutesy pose that made Azumi flinch slightly, barely keeping the distaste from her expression. Such praise from her father caused the princess to become bloated with pride, and now all that was left was the admittance out loud.

"Yes, I have been blessed with a cute face. But my hair! It should obey me!" Yona whined, throwing her arms in circles and puffing her cheeks in annoyance with a child-like pout. Azumi let out a weary sigh as her thoughts were proved correct once again.

"Don't say that! Tell her, Hak" King Il said. Yona froze in place as Hak stepped into the room, lowering onto one knee almost on instinct. His head dropped in the act of respect and to hide the cheeky grin stretching across his lips. Azumi sighed at her close friend's presence, preparing herself for the routine between these two childhood friends.

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