Chapter 32

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"Are you safe, your highness...?" Neguro asked slowly, his voice strained by the blood slowly crawling up his throat and beginning to choke him. A waterfall of the thick liquid was pouring down the front of his body, but he remained perfectly in place, his arms raised and legs firm as he acted as a shield for his beloved princess.

"I'm fine..." Kouren muttered, her voice failing her as she grabbed onto the back of his coat, her trembling fingers grasping at the warmth of her close friend.

"Please, do not leave my side. The enemy is numerous, and their aim is on you, your highness" Neguro coughed, a small amount of blood beginning to dribble down the side of his mouth. His condition was not good, that was obvious by the arrows protruding from all parts of his body, especially in the chest, and his body was rapidly failing him as the blood loss left his body weak. The only thing keeping that man on his feet was the sheer loyalty he held for princess Kouren, making Azumi frown as she gazed upon her old friend.

Biting her lip, Azumi turned around without another word and headed out of the courtyard, only to use the awnings of the buildings to jump up on the roof and hurry towards the line of assassins on the other side of the courtyard. Azumi's eyes narrowed as her training kicked in, her footsteps not making a sound and her presence non-existent as she snuck up behind the assassin's and quickly immobilized them with a hit to the side of the neck. She dragged them back and into a place that was easily accessible for guards later on, once this problem was resolved. Another volley was released, but the attack was not nearly as strong as it previously was, making the assassin's and the victims finally notice that half of the assassins where gone. The assassins turned to find Azumi on the peak of the roof, her daggers poised for battle as she glared at them with as much anger as she could muster, her green orbs glowing and sending shivers down their spines.

"You made enemies out of the wrong people" Azumi spat, before charging forward and disappearing in a gust of wind. She was a whirlwind of destruction, flickering between the assassins and beating them in their own field with ease.

"Run!" Vold yelled, his voice distant as the sound of clashing metal ricocheted around Azumi. Azumi spared a glance down to the courtyard to find Hak and Yona gaping up at her, stunned at her sudden appearance and deadly accuracy. Sending one last kick, Azumi slowed enough to send them a bright grin and a thumbs up, aiming to reassure them as fast as she could.

"I will gather the four dragons and Yoon! Make sure this war doesn't go any further!" Azumi yelled, dodging the slash of a knife and stabbing up in one quick moment, her instincts controlling her body as the dagger sunk into the man's chest, and she kicked him away from the blade.

"Right!" Yona yelled back, all of them running off with princess Kouren, leaving Neguro standing in the centre of the courtyard like a statue, his body failing him as he stayed perfectly in place. His senses wherein such over-drive because of the pain that he probably didn't even realise that Kouren had left his side.

Finishing up the last of the assassins, Azumi leapt off the roof and landed on the courtyard silently. She then walked towards Neguro and stood before him with a frown on her face. He had died while standing, his last moments standing before the princess and protecting her with his life. Azumi lifted up her hand gingerly, bringing it to his eyelids and closing his eyes. Then, she bowed respectfully, a small prayer escaping her lips with her hands clutched to her chest and her eyes shut. With a quiet sigh, Azumi rose and turned away without another glance, her feet leading her out of the courtyard and back towards the prison cells just as she promised the red-haired princess and thunder beast.

As she reached the entrance to the cells, Azumi blanched at the sight of multiple immobilised bodies piled at the entrance to the place, the door ripped open and the prison walls also ripped, something she could see from the corner of her eyes. This was not was what surprised her. A strong presence was just around the corner, the entity radiating a dangerous and blood-thursty aura that sent Azumi's skin-crawling. It took all of her strength not to crumble to the floor or run away, the only relief she got was the voices of the dragons and Yoon emanating from the same area, indicating that Shin-ha was the cause of the chilling presence.

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