Chapter 16

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Azumi smiled at the nostalgic sight before her, and couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped her lips. Sprawled across the stairs of Fuuga were two familiar faces, one now a general and the other a guard, sleeping back to back in the centre of the entrance gate.

"Han-dae~ Tae-woo~" Azumi cooed, leaning in close to their faces. Both boys frowned, trying to swat away Azumi, which made her frown. With a pout, she leaned up and haughtily placed her hands on her hips.

"Wow, this is not the warm greeting I was hoping to receive" Azumi complained, sulking quietly at their rudeness. Both boys froze, their eyes slowly opening and turning to Azumi. The three stayed in place for several tension-filled seconds, before wide grins erupted on the wind tribe's soldiers.

"Azumi!" The two cheered, Han-dae leaping onto Azumi and Tae-woo walking up to her side. Azumi happily returned the smile with a cheeky snicker.

"This is more like it. Why would you swat me away like that?" Azumi complained, dragging Tae-woo into the hug, despite his mumbled complaints.

"We thought it was someone going to be scolding us" Han-dae answered, leaning back with a radiant grin on his lips. Tae-woo also escaped Azumi's grasp but was still smiling.

"Maybe I will scold you! What if I was a bandit? I could have walked right past and wreaked havoc in the village," Azumi said in a snide tone, wagging a finger at them disapprovingly.

"Azumi~" Han-dae sulked, while Tae-woo shrugged with an uncaring expression on his face. Azumi chuckled at their reactions, smiling warmly at the familiar feeling of the wind tribe. The wind tribe was one big family, and Azumi was lucky enough to be a part of this family.

"However, that was not why I came here. Is Mundok here?" Azumi asked, making Tae-woo nod while yawning.

"Yeah, I'll take him to you" he responded, making Han-dae whip towards him with an exaggerated pout.

"Hay! No fair!" He complained, making Azumi chuckle and ruffle his hair in a motherly manner.

"Don't worry, we can talk later once your shift is over" Azumi reassured, making him grin and flash her a thumbs up. Azumi returned the gesture, before following Tae-woo into the capital. Azumi was greeted by the many villagers, and she greeted them all with a warm smile. They then entered the main building, only to find a raging Mundok chasing after a laughing Tae-yeon. Tae-woo and Azumi watched from the doorway, watching as the two lost their breath quickly and ended up quitting their game early.

"Old man, I didn't realise you got so old already" Azumi teased, making the war hero and his grandson turn around, Tae-yeon visibly brightening at the sight of his favourite sister.

"Azumi!" He cheered, charging across the hallway and leaping at her with as much vigour as he could. Azumi chuckled, squatting down to pick the small boy up, and then hoist him up into the air and above her head.

"How's my favourite boy doing?" Azumi grinned, making Tae-yeon giggle and gesture his arms for a hug. Azumi happily obliged, squishing the younger boy to her chest and smooshing her cheek into his own.

"I'm your favourite?" Tae-yeon asked, his eyes glowing with delight. Azumi grinned cheekily, hugging the adorable boy as tightly as he could withstand.

"Of course! You're my one and only!" Azumi reassured, making Tae-yeon giggle in delight. Mundok walked over, a warm smile on his lips as he joined their hug. His two grandchildren happily returned the hug, making Tae-woo roll his eyes and mutter something about 'disgusting affection' before walking off.

"Azumi, what a surprise" Mundok greeted, leaning back from the hug. Azumi smiled, sending him a playful wink while setting Tae-yeon on her hip.

"You offered me supper and a bed, I was bound to turn up eventually," Azumi smiled, making Mundok chuckle and nod.

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