Chapter 28

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Yona sighed as she exited the building, turning to gaze up at the sky with a peaceful expression. Azumi was glued to her side, also gazing upon the sky with a soft smile. After meeting up with Yona, Azumi was finally reunited with Tao before the princess retired to her room and left Azumi and Yona alone. Yona had left to get some fresh air, but Azumi's senses were on full alert, her skin crawling at the feeling of an unfamiliar, threatening presence. Azumi glanced over as Yona turned towards a shadowed figure slowly drifting closer, his fists tightening on the handle of his sword. Azumi unsheathed her blade and held it out in front of her, clearly warning the man to back off, but he continued to move forward.

"Who's there?" Yona called, only to flinch as the man suddenly charged forward.

"Die, Princess Tao!" He roared, only to be interrupted by Azumi flickering before him, quickly knocking the blade of his hand and hitting pressure points so that his body was left incapacitated. The man fell onto the floor with a loud thump, and Azumi heard someone coming up behind her. However, glancing over her shoulder, Azumi found Hak holding the princess to his chest, weapon unsheathed in preparation to defeat the man.

"Are you alright?" Hak asked Yona, the princess stuttering out a quick reply. The two then glanced at each other and found themselves very close, making Hak push her away and apologise for being too close. Azumi rolled her eyes, but her mind was somewhere else.

"Look after the princess, I'm going to look for Tao" Azumi called, breaking off from the group just as the other dragons arrived. Azumi ran as fast as she could through the familiar hallways, keeping her steps silent as she listened for any foes. They were infiltrating the building, but they were definitely not trying to be quiet, which meant that they assumed it was only Tao and her small group of servants, which put Azumi at an advantage. Azumi skidded to a halt in front of Tao's door and threw it open, only to find a shadowed man rearing back his sword to attack Tao. Azumi charged forward and once again quickly unarmed him, slamming her hand into the side of his throat and knocking him unconscious. Tao gasped as she gazed up at Azumi with a mixture of surprise and confusion.

"Good evening princess, time to get moving" Azumi smiled cheerfully, lightly taking her forearm and pulling her to her feet. The door opened behind them and Azumi's hand instantly reached for her dagger, only to find Algira standing in the door.

"It's as I thought. Ah, thank's Azumi" Algira grinned brightly, walking into the room and to Tao's side to provide silent comfort. Tao turned to him, a frown on her face as she glanced between her two friends.

"What's going on?" Princess Tao asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes before turning and grabbing Azumi's forearm for comfort.

"You need to hide" Algira instructed, picking up a couple of cats and placing them on the bed in preparation for a distraction. Azumi noticed this and nodded in confirmation, picking up the princess with ease and running out the door. Azumi watched from the corner of her eye as Algira picked up the unconscious body and put him in the closet, before pulling the blanket over his head and hiding under its surface with multiple cats. Azumi chuckled before ironing her expression as she jogged through the building. Eventually, she met up with some of Tao's guards and she let them lead her towards the exit, only to flinch in surprise at the sight of flames licking up the sides of the building, having already covered a large section of the north part of the building.

"P-Princess Tao. The fire is already so... Let us go. Even if it's dangerous, we have to escape" One of the guards spoke up, the princess not responding as she stared at the fire with a grim expression. Before Azumi could turn around to answer, a familiar form burst through the flames and Azumi's eyes widened at the sight of Ouryuu.

"There you are!" Zeno gasped, a wide grin erupting on his face at the sight of the familiar people before him. Azumi sighed at his reckless behaviour, setting the princess back on her feet and quietly instructing her to cover her mouth with her sleeve.

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