Chapter 8

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"Captain, I think it's going down two days from now, at night" Jae-ha spoke, a smile spread across his lips despite the grim news. The green-haired male gazed out across the room and watched the horror and surprise spread across his comrade's faces. He understood how they felt, despite the extra training and preparation they had been working on with the help of the other dragons, many knew that this would be the final battle and none of them were prepared for it mentally. 

"T-Two days from now!?" A pirate cried in horror. Murmurs rose from the crowd of pirates huddled around Gigan, who studied her pipe thoughtfully. Azumi sat at her side, her forefinger and thumb pressed against her chin in thought.

"What's your reason?" Gigan asked, glancing up to study the green-haired male.

"I found a store that gathers girls to traffic. Publically, they provide high-paying jobs for women. But in reality, it's a place to traffic girls that can be sold at a high price. I had a guy ask how long they're taking applicants, and he said that the owner said until noon, two days from now. Kum-Ji's greedy. If there's good merchandise, he'll wait as long as possible. That mean's he'll do trade on that day. The ship should sail at night after sundown" Jae-ha explained, his smile still present. He was obviously proud of the information he had gained. Azumi could tell that much, from the smug looks he sent her and all.

"But we won't know which ship the girls be on" Gigan observed, her gaze lowering once again and she silently mulled over there options. A long silence spread out across the ship as everybody thought it over before Yona suddenly had a light bulb moment.

"From the inside..." Yona muttered, making Azumi's eyes snap up and widen at the princess. All eyes turned to the red-haired princess as she clutched her fists at her side and turned to look at Gigan.

"If we can set off a firework or something from inside the ship with the girls, couldn't we save them a little quicker?" Yona spoke up, determination already filling her eyes. Azumi frowned, not liking where this is going.

"That may be so, but who will set it off?" Gigan asked, already knowing the answer.

"I will" Azumi spoke up, cutting off the princess before she could answer. Yona's eyes widened, as they flickered over to Azumi. Everyone flinched in surprise, glancing over to the brunette, whose face was hidden behind her bangs.

"I know you Yona, you were about to suggest yourself. However, I cannot live with my self if I willing sent you off into the beast's belly" Azumi continued, making the princess's expression drop.

"I need to do something-" Yona began, only to be cut off by Azumi once again. Azumi turned to Gigan, a look in her eye that the elderly captain had never seen before. Gigan's eyes widened, at the look of pure fury and determination in the younger girl's eyes, something she didn't realise the younger woman could possess. Azumi had always been calm, even when she was playing around and attacking others, she never showed true emotion. The emotions she showed were always guarded, and Gigan had noticed that a long time ago. But as soon as the Thunder Beast and Yona had appeared in her life once again, the life her eyes was suddenly sparked once again and she began to act with her emotions rather than her mind.

"Ultimately, this is your decision. I know this business well, as I have encountered it many times in my travels. If Yona was sent in there, her red hair would attract the attention of Kum-Ji. This gives us no guarantee that he won't steal her and keep her to himself. I have average looks that do not set me out of the norm, which will make it easier to blend into the crowd. I know how to defend my self if worst comes to worst, and I can even help defeat the guards from within their structure once I've fired to the firework" Azumi spoke, her eyes flaring with a determination that left Gigan speechless.

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