Chapter 33

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"Your majesty! Someone is approaching from the Xing encampment!" A soldier called, gaining the attention of Kouka's king, Soo-won, his Advisor Kye-sook and the General of the sky and wind tribe. All eyes turned to find a ragged group approaching. The group was composed of Vold, Algira, the second princess of Xing Tao, The first princess of Xing Kouren, the lightening beast Hak, the princess of Kouka Yona, and Azumi.

"Are you Princess Kouren and Princess Tao?" Soo-won asked as the group arrived, his eyes wide as he gazed upon the haphazard appearance of his guests. Inwardly, Soo-won was relieved to see that Azumi was unharmed, but he did not act upon his thoughts as this was a crucial bonding moment between Xing and Kouka.

"...Indeed. My apologies for my appearance. I am the ruler of the Xing kingdom, Bushin's first daughter, the first princess Kouren" Kouren spoke up, introducing herself with a grim expression. She was not pleased to meet the son of her arch-nemesis, but with her kingdom in mind, she was going to bare it.

"And I am the second princess, Tao" Tao introduced herself, clasping her hands in her lap nervously while gazing up at Soo-won with a blank expression on her face.

"We have come for the sakes of the futures of both Xing Kingdom and Kouka Kingdom" Kouren finished the introduction, raising her head to gaze upon Soo-won, who sat perched on a horse. Soo-won returned the hard stare, gazing upon the two princesses with a gaze that was unusual for his childish self. He took this seriously, and it made Azumi glad.

"...I am Kouka Kingdom's king. My name is Soo-won" Soo-won introduced, his gaze never leaving Kouren's until a ruckus began on the group left. Azumi glanced over and instantly a scowl covered her face, as the priest Gobi stood there with a walking stick to make himself look weaker. But this man had killed Neguro, Mizari, and almost brought Yotaka to death. Nobody would complain if she kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, would they?

"P-Please wait! King Soo-won, Princess Kouren does not have the qualifications to take part in this conference. Princess Kouren has captured your four dragons and plans to use them as hostages! The four dragons are currently on doors death... Princess Kouren has desecrated Kouka Kingdom's gods!" Gobi sputtered out, hobbling over before pointing a bony finger at the princess who did not react in the slightest at his appearance. Soo-won unintentionally glanced over to Azumi and found that her teeth were grinding together while barely smothering a glare which was more than enough for him to figure out what sort of the situation this was.

"That's not true! King Soo-won! The dragons were mistreated under the High Priest's command!" One of Xing's citizens cried. This was the women who Gobi threw in front of him when almost killed by Kouren, and more civilians who were previously blinded by their priest's words followed her.

"Don't lie! I would have stopped her and told her she musn't treat Kouka Kingdom's gods violently!" Gobi spat out furiously, barely keeping up his charade of an old man as his previous subjects rebelled against him. Soo-won turned his gaze from Azumi over to the priest and stared down at him with an even expression on his face.

"... I did hear that those men were captured" Soo-won admitted, blinking owlishly at the priest who visibly brightened at the 'support' he was getting from the king. He grabbed at this opportunity wholeheartedly and threw out his hands, accidentally forgetting about the walking stick that now laid at his feet.

"Oh, as expected of King Soo-won! So you already knew of it!" Gobi praised, a wide grin spreading across his lips as his victory appeared within his reach.

"However, the four dragons have no connection to me, so there is no point in telling me that..." Soo-won spoke innocently, his expression not changing as he gazed down at the priest. The man's jaw dropped, his wrinkled face pulled into shell shock as he gazed up at the king in a stunned manner. Azumi coughed into her fist to stop herself from cracking up laughing, especially at the priest's expression that reminded her of a prune.

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