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Harry and I  have decided to invite those that have been the closest to us, if that may be recently or in the last year over to our home for dinner for a couple reasons. One is to forgive, since we don't have many friends to start with, and our kids need the family they can get and truly depend on. Therefore, we have invited Brenda with Louis, JoJo and Briana and Liam with Mel for a small dinner and catching up. We kinda figured it's a bit over due. So we were happy they all accepted.

Some came with news of their own to share that we were happy to hear. Such as Brenda and Louis have now decided to move in together once again. Mel got herself an office job and doing very well, as well as her and Liam have decided to move in together. JoJo thinks she could possibly be pregnant again, which got her some looks from Mel and Liam as well as  Lou.  Although Harry and I knew she had recently spoke of prison marriage as well as Bren. Mel however spoke up asking "how can you be pregnant again? I thought you and Brian were going to be together? Oh my God, you cheated on him?"

"No, Mel I didn't cheat, I married him in jail, so well...ya know"

"Oh my god"

"How dare you judge me, you didn't even want yours, but you go after another man, you bitch"

I stood up, "enough enough, language here. We have little impressionable ears here"

JoJo looks at me "you're right, I'm sorry, but how dare she"

So much for a calm dinner. I left the room a moment to get a breath to calm down, taking JoJo with me. On the way out asking Harry if it's cool? He knew I needed a moment, and nodded. The kids were in high chairs doing their thing, but he kept an eye on them with Brens help....so I thought......

I walked back in finding Mel up to my daughters face, and I lost it.

"Get out of my house!! I thought I could trust you, but it's clear I apparently will never be able to trust you again. That's really to bad. Liam it's a shame I thought you were a friend, yet you insistently let bitches get in the way. I guess we will never get a friendship like I thought we had. You need to go with your bitch, have a nice life"

I turned to Louis "are you next? Or are you going to be real this round?"

He just looked dumbfounded at me "Nevaeh, I'm not sure what just happened here, but I love Brenda. I think of both you and Harry like my family, I never want to hurt any of you"

"Good choice, just stick to that and you'll be good. Otherwise I'll hurt you myself"

We finished dinner in peace. The kids then played a short while before falling asleep on the floor.

An hour or so later Bren and Louis left, as did JoJo with Briana.

My head was hurting, I should've known better, but tried to give benefit of the doubt. I won't make that mistake again. Just then my phone went off as did Harrys.

From Li: I'm so confused as to what happened today. I never want to lose your friendship over a woman. Please tell me what happened.

To Li: she hasn't told you?

From Li: told me what?

To Li: that she was pregnant, by my psycho brother then she brought to me of options of if I wanted the baby, for her to adopt it out or abort it

From Li: are you serious? I take it you took the child

To Li: yes, and told her to keep her distance, did it look like it to you? Here's the kicker though, it turned out to be twins

To Li: I'm done talking about it. You nor her will ever get them from us. Try all you want, it will NEVER happen. Harry and I paid her place for 6 months just fyi

To Li: I'd watch myself if I were you. Then again I'm not so....

Harry just looks at me as if I've went mad "babe"


"Are you ok?"

"Yep, fine who messaged you?"

"Louis, he said thanks for having him"

"Oh, yeah cool"

"Are you ready for bed? The kids are out"

"Yeah, if you want to start with Marcus, I'll grab Char if you get Tony, but I'll wait till you come back down"

"You got it babe, I love you"

"I love you so much Harry"

We are finally all tucked in and said our good nights. My phone started to ring. I look at it, it was Liam now calling. I avoided the call and just went to bed, I told him I was done, what don't he get?


Some things in here to try to fill and see if Nevaeh could trust Mel.  Filling in some things as well.

How do you feel?

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