A Date to Remember

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'Arnavji, come! This way', guided Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada, on her way on the rooftop of a restaurant, tiptoeing and as if hiding from someone.

'Khushi! Why the hell are we here?' Bellowed Arnav Singh Raizada following her, owner of AR Fashions, a lion in his own office but a cat in front of his wife, tired of her antics. She was unpredictable at times and even after a year of their marriage, he failed to read her thoughts occasionally.

'Shh.. Dont make any noise.' She chided him.

'But what exactly are we doing here?' Arnav asked, this time in a low voice.

Khushi turned towards her husband at her back and proudly declared, 'Spying'.

'What?' was all Arnav could utter.

Before he could ask her the next question, she was already a few feet away from him, trying to spot someone.

He too looked around the vast seating area, where numerous tables were arranged but he found it completely empty. Even the waiters were not present there! Then whom was his wife trying to spy on? He wondered.

He tapped her shoulder from the back, and asked, again in a whisper, 'But I dont find anyone here. You are spying on whom?'

'Offo.. Arnavji, you dont have patience at all. Cant you wait for sometime? I shall show them rather tell you.' She asserted with a smile that stated how proud she was in doing this job.

Arnav let out an exasperated sigh, giving into his wife's commands, as he knew it was a waste of time trying to understand her actions and thoughts.

After a search of few minutes, Khushi finally found the targets for whom she was present there. Turning around to face Arnav, who was following her silently, she shrieked with a glint of happiness.

'There they are!' She pointed out towards the people in question!

Arnav followed her finger only to be left highly annoyed at his wife.

'You called me here to spy on these two? I had to leave my important client meet for this?' He scoffed.

'I know you are crazy Khushi. But to this extent? When you called me to meet you at this restaurant, I thought you were going to give me some surprise. Now I realise it was stupid of me to expect something like that. On top of it, you called me here that too urgently just to spy on my own cousin?' Arnav yelled angrily, taking care that his voice did not reach the ones they were talking about.

Khushi royally ignored his yearning for a surprise from her and commented, 'Of course it is important. NK is dating someone and he has kept that a secret from us, especially me, his best friend.' She stated, already hurt by NK's secret love.

'For the first time, he was acting smart Khushi. Because a secret, when revealed to you, no longer remains a secret. Telling you something is equivalent to announcing the world for free.' Arnav taunted her.

'But whats there to hide in it? I could have helped him', she pouted.

'As I said, he was taking things the right way for the very first time in his life.' Arnav shrugged.

'Whom are you mocking at? Him or me?' Khushi flared her nostrils with anger, with hands on her hips.

'Both', Arnav stifled a chuckle while saying this. Trust his wife to pick up a fight with him at a public place, when she was supposed to spy on someone.

'Mr. Raizada', she started warning her husband, when Arnav cut her off in the middle, holding her shoulders and turning her towards NK.

'Concentrate Khushi, you are here on a mission. Remember?' He cleverly distracted her from their present fight. Atleast in a year to their marriage, he knew how to tackle a situation without him getting scolded by her.

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