Just us!

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He stretched his arms wide in the air waking up from his peaceful slumber which he was bestowed with after three whole tiring weeks! Blame his work, he could not even spend minimal time with his family. As always, his family understood and supported him, knowing well how much workaholic he could turn into! Immersing himself into his files, conferences, he forgot he had a life out of office too!

A life, which turned beautiful with the arrival of a particular person who successfully managed to break all the barriers of his heart and find a place for herself there! A place? Nah! She ruled the whole of his heart! His wife!

Preparing to snuggle into her for some time, with eyes still closed, he spread his arms lazily to his side only to be left disappointed at the empty space next to him.

His eyes immediately shot up, panic enveloping him, as still the fear of losing her someday had not subsided, all thanks to the hurt he gave her in their initial days of marriage.

Albeit being assured that he was forgiven and had nothing to worry about, from his wife, a million times, there was a corner of his four chambered organ that his wife was yet to battle with and conquer!

His anxious eyes roamed frantically around him, only to settle down with relief on spotting his love standing at the poolside, probably breathing in the early morning fresh air.

Her hair was dancing with the rhythm of the gentle breeze that touched her form, making him drown into her beauty even after two years of marriage. The charm still alive, the magic of their love still fresh, creating turbulence in his body and soul. How could she look ethereal all the time? He always wondered but considered himself fortunate for that!

The raced heart started to normalise, while he slipped his legs into his slippers to reach her.

Taking care not to startle her, he slowly enveloped his arms around her petite form from behind, placing a feathery kiss on her shoulder announcing his arrival.

Two pairs of hands rested on her waist, one above the other, rejoicing their own presence, basking in the warmth that perfectly combated the cool breeze, simultaneously adoring and welcoming the first ray of light in the sky before the sunrise. The dawn!

The couple stood for the whole of ten minutes in utter silence, not bothering to voice out anything.

'I missed you', it was after a very long time that Khushi confessed to her husband, his business taking a toll on their daily routine, sparing them no time to spend together.

'I missed you too', Arnav said, tightening the hug.

'I am glad its over', she asserted and felt him agreeing to her statement. 'It was hell! The past three weeks... without you', she admitted, misery visible in her voice.

Arnav knew she had to go through a lot but he did not miss her less! He tried to take some time for his wife out of his busy schedule but alas! He could not!

'I am sorry. I will make it up to you', he whispered in her ears, them still in their positions, Arnav behind Khushi.

'Really? How?' Khushi turned around, elated, her mood changing quickly to a chirpier one. The happiness in her name, evident on her lips and eyes! Well! She searched for that happiness in the tiniest of things!

He chuckled, pride for her escalating in his eyes, for not changing herself even a bit!

'We are going on a month long vacation. No laptop, no phones and no files. Just us!' He completed only to get engulfed by her.

He completed the hug, kissing her forehead.

'Just us!' She whispered against his heart, finally ecstatic and enthusiastic to spend some time with her husband!

Ok that was a quick drabble that came into my mind! Please do tell me how it came out! I just wanted to play with words for this!

And I am really sorry for not updating any of my stories since long! You can expect an update soon, probably in two days! Sorry readers!

Please please dont forget to vote and comment!


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